
Survival Guide: Getting your car towed and making it out alive

Last weekend I got my car towed.

Not that I ever want to relive that "oh-so-not-fabulous" moment, there are a few lessons that I feel obligated to share so you know what to do when it happens to you. (which it might. be ready.)

1. Don't panic that your car is stolen, it probably just got towed.
2. Call the the people on the towing sign before leaving the lot (actually, let's back up, read the towing sign BEFORE you park there.. you idiot)
3. Be prepared to wait in a very, very long line. Other people get their car towed too.
4. Bring a friend. Not just for the long late, but tow places always seem to be in the worst areas of town.
5. Always have an extra $200 in your bank account. Just in case. You never know when life will give you a little slap on the wrist and you never want to be caught with no backup fund.
6. Check your car out in detail when you get it from the lot (thank you policeman for the tip). Tow truck men drive like they are taking a pregnant lady to the hospital. There is a HUGE possibility that they might mess up your car too...
7. Be strong and forceful.
8. Ask for a damage report to fill out and make a copy. Funny how they don't tell you about this report until you have been debating for over two hours. (it is more work for them)
9. Threaten to call a lawyer. (or bring a friend who has a dad who is an attorney.. that's the best)
10. You will have plenty of time while waiting to practice what you want to say to them to convince them to pay for the damage (how is this even a question!?) and it doesn't hurt to have someone in line who knows things about cars to take a look at your car and tell you exactly what is wrong. (unless you are a car genius yourself, in which case, more power to you)
11. If all else fails.. bring on the tears.


  1. Just a note on the "drop the my daddy's a lawyer card" I work in a pharmacy, people (especially younger women, college age) try that ALL THE TIME... it means nothing.. It means to the person on the receiving end "I'm a spoiled brat and don't know how to live outside the confines of my parents doing everything for me.." So I would omit that one

  2. if you ever find yourself saying "oh, I know I can't park here but I'll only be in there for a few minutes"... that's enough time for the tow truck man, trust me.
