
The Boyfriend Fund

I had a serious boyfirend in college. We broke up. I had left my stylish, although uncomfortable stiletto boots in his car days earlier. (No, I did not walk around barefoot, I had flipflops) True to breakup form I could not see him to get the shoes back, so I instead discovered retail therapy. I DO NOT reccomend this to anyone. I am a believer in budgets and this is not in anyone's budget. (although if you see a break up in your future, it wouldn't hurt to add that line in a few months prior)

What I did realize over the next few months was actually the amount of money I saved. Think about it. Birthdays, aniversaries, christmas, new years, that new dress for date night, random presents, valentines day, etc. I decided that if I wasn't spending that money on him, I should spend it (or some of it) on me. Just because I didn't have a boyfriend didn't mean that I didn't deserve to be spoiled from time to time.

According to the National Retail Federation the average American spends $103.00 on valentines day. ($14.1 billion dollars for the entire nation) For those of you who are in a relationship? I hope you start planning RIGHT NOW to save this kind of money for that big day. For the rest of us? I don't need to spend $100, but surely I can treat myself to a $30 massage and a cocktail with my best single girl friends.

For those of you singles out there wearing black and sitting in self pity- Get up. Treat yourself to something- maybe buy yourself some jewlery? (you will probably like it better than that 6 foot stuffed animal in the long run anyways) and celebrate the extra savings in your bank account!

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  1. I totally agree boyfriends are expensive, and they only get mote expensive after youarry them! Lol i think you deserve a massage, a pedicure and a new outfit, because you are just that fabulous!!

  2. any boyfriend of yours who is now an ex-boyfriend is a complete idiot.
