
Help! I'm binge shopping!

Retail therapy. We have all heard it and most of us have participated it in. (If you haven't, please shoot me a comment as you are my new idol) It really works too. Sometimes it starts small (that extra lip gloss at the checkout counter) and then grows into more (running next store for some new shoes).

If we have a good day? We reward ourselves with some shoes- or whatever your vice is. If we have a bad day? we make ourselves feel better the same way. Neither of these will help us have a good day when our credit card bill comes in.... or out checking account drops to single didgets.

So the question comes. What do we do now?
(1) Acceptance. The first step in any problem is admitting it. Should be easy, most of us are pretty guilty.
(2) Find your trigger. Try to remember times you have been binge shopping and remember what events or emotions triggered the shopping spree. A break up? A hot new date? A bad day at work? and the next time those events or emotions come up try to catch yourself going to the mall.
(3) Catch yourself in the act. Shocked that you just spent $100 at Banana Republic when you didn't even need anything to begin with? Don't walk into the next store! Go home. Or better yet? catch yourself before you get the the cashregister. (sure you can always return things, but that's just easier said than done!)
(4) Find other ways to reward or cheer yourself up. Whether its working out, spending time with friends, or laying out by the pool (it is summer right?) If you feel you MUST spend money- splurge on some ice cream with a girlfriend. $3 is much easier to squeeze into your budget than $300.

Yes, I know.. it is easier said than done. Is there anyone else who wants to join my support group?


  1. Whenever I want to binge shop, I call TNR and we go to the beach instead. This only works in the summer, however.

  2. Sign me up. I've been binging on shopping this month and just got asked to go on a shopping trip to the States. Eep. I'm going to try making a list to hopefully ward off those impulse buys.
