
$5 or a bowl of ice cream?

This is not a blog saying that you should save $5 and not get ice cream. As any of my close friends (or anyone who has been within ear distance of me) could tell you I am a HUGE frozen yogurt fan. I could single handedly keep some of the "froyo" places in Dallas in business. (I would put froze yogurt right below my love of shoes).

That being said, we got free ice cream at work today (Marble Slab- not too shabby). I made the bold statement to my coworkes-friends (the coworkers who double as friends, everyone needs some of those, but that could be a whole different post) that "I would rather have $5 than a bowl of ice cream". We may not get big raises... but don't worry, we get free ice cream! Why would I take the $5 in my account? because, well, then I could do with the money as I pleased. (yes, a Conservative mentality... maybe living in Texas has actually gotten to me)

It took a bit of discussion for me to realize that perhaps the value that was given to be from the "Ice Cream Social" was more than the $5 the company seemingly wasted for my bowl. Let's look at the big picture. I axiously awaited "Ice Cream Day" all week. Most people here did. They might not have talked about it as much as I did, but people were actually in line waiting for it 10 minutes before the event started. We had some "bonding" while we all sat at tables and socialied for 15 minutes, and we thought "yay free stuff" (who doesn't like free stuff). I know their point was a little morale booster. To be honest? It probably boosted our morale more than $5 would have anyways -  that and I didn't have to pay tax on the morale booster. (It would only have been $3.50 anyways.

The lesson here is this:
(1) Try to keep the big picture in mind
(2) If it is free, be happy - don't complain
(3) Volunteer to help your company put together "morale boosting events" so you can pick more exciting flavors than vanilla, french vanilla, and chocolate.


  1. Ice Cream, no question...you would/did talk about it all week

  2. Beggars can't be choosers...not that you were begging but rule #2 is definitely a life lesson for tons of people out there!
