Sometimes I wonder where those "sayings" come from. Thankfully, I live in the age of Google - where knowledge is sitting at our finger tips (literally).
In this case "A picture is worth a thousand words" is attributed in modern times to Fred Bernard who (while trying to promote image ads instead of the words in 1921) stated that "A look is worth a thousand words". According to the Yale book of quotations "A look is worth a thousand words" is first seen in a New York Times Real Estate advertisement in 1914. Either way, A saying that is almost 100 years old must have some truth to it.
But I digress.
How does this relate to New Year's Resolutions? (Good question!) Instead of purely using the motivation technique of "writing down resolutions" (which, per "Part 2" is better than not writing them down at all) It is surely more beneficial to have a visual image of resolutions. Why is this? (1) How many times are we told to visualize our goals? It never fails that famous athletes talk about visualizing their success - If you don't believe me, check out this article from College Sports Scholarships (2) It is a constant reminder of the goal.
I was talking to my good friend Kelli. This break we are going to make a "Dream Board" where you cut out pictures of your dreams and goals. This can work for resolutions to. Think about it. If I was going to reach into the freezer for some ice cream, and there is a picture of a Victoria Secret fashion model's abs staring back at me... would I really have that craving for chocolate still? (Okay, slightly bad example... chocolate almost always trumps all... but you get the picture - pun intended)
Find your motivation. Find a picture. Make it happen.
Resolutions (Part 2): Learn one from Santa
In honor of Christmas just ending, we should take one from Santa. Maybe he had the right idea all along.
"Making a list, and checking it twice".
If Santa didn't have a list, he would forget which children were the good ones and which presents everyone wanted. Same thing goes with resolutions.
Lets take an verbal contract. In Business Law in college, we learned that verbal contracts hold just as much weight as written contracts (As long as there is a meeting of the minds, mutual consideration, offer and acceptance, performance or deliver, good faith...) Why then do we have written contracts? Besides the proof, there is also something that makes a written contract and signing your name on a dotted more legit. This year? All my resolutions will be written down. (Yours should be too!)
Oh, the implications of writing down a list of resolutions. Suddenly, it seems more meaningful if the goals are written on a piece of paper or better yet, in a list that can be crossed off. Write down your goals. Post the list somewhere that you have to look everyday. How can you ignore that?
"Making a list, and checking it twice".
If Santa didn't have a list, he would forget which children were the good ones and which presents everyone wanted. Same thing goes with resolutions.
Lets take an verbal contract. In Business Law in college, we learned that verbal contracts hold just as much weight as written contracts (As long as there is a meeting of the minds, mutual consideration, offer and acceptance, performance or deliver, good faith...) Why then do we have written contracts? Besides the proof, there is also something that makes a written contract and signing your name on a dotted more legit. This year? All my resolutions will be written down. (Yours should be too!)
Oh, the implications of writing down a list of resolutions. Suddenly, it seems more meaningful if the goals are written on a piece of paper or better yet, in a list that can be crossed off. Write down your goals. Post the list somewhere that you have to look everyday. How can you ignore that?
Resolutions (Part 1): Realistic Expectations & Breaking Up
Sure, everyone has something they would improve about themselves (and if they don't? Well, they should try to work on being more "humble" then!) Whether it is remember friend's birthdays, lose that last 5 pounds (or 20?), pray more, or keep the house clean... there is always something.
"New Year's Resolutions" always seems like there is a joke associated with the phrase. You know what I mean, the goal that only lasts until the end of week two. Or until your best friend's birthday and the smell of the cake is consuming your senses. Is it our lack of commitment to our resolutions? or is it just the resolutions themselves. But not this year. This year is going to be different.
While I am not the expert in resolutions (seeing as I have never made it to December and still remembered my resolution from the previous year, or neglected making them all together - not sure which is worse), I am going to spend the next few days really figuring out what makes a resolution a reality. Feel free to ignore the next few blog posts. Or? Take my challenge and join me in my resolutions to reality journey.
Realistic Expectations
"Dream Big" - a concept we have heard since the time we were little. But does dreaming big truly always help us? If the expectations are too big and become too unobtainable, we lose all motivation to reach for them. (I think the perfect goals are just barely out of reach). If I have the goal to reorganize absolutely everything in my apartment on a sunday the job will be come so daunting that I may not even get started. Let's say that I want to reorganize the apartment and then keep it clutter free. Instead of taking that huge task all at once, set realistic expectations. "I am going to clean under the bathroom sink this week. Next week I'll take on the dresser drawers. Or even next month?" Instead of "never having clutter" try to make the goal of cleaning clutter on sundays and wednesdays.
Breaking Up the Goals
Instead of saying "I am going to work out every day - or even twice a day", I KNOW that will not be possible. As soon as I miss those first few days, I will quit altogether and not even try. Setting a goal of 3-4 times a week? okay, that's doable. AND easier to stick to. (plus, I'll end up avoiding the weeks where I don't go to the gym at all). If I set mini-goals, they are easier to obtain and will keep me more motivated.
This year, I will NOT be setting myself up for failure.
"New Year's Resolutions" always seems like there is a joke associated with the phrase. You know what I mean, the goal that only lasts until the end of week two. Or until your best friend's birthday and the smell of the cake is consuming your senses. Is it our lack of commitment to our resolutions? or is it just the resolutions themselves. But not this year. This year is going to be different.
While I am not the expert in resolutions (seeing as I have never made it to December and still remembered my resolution from the previous year, or neglected making them all together - not sure which is worse), I am going to spend the next few days really figuring out what makes a resolution a reality. Feel free to ignore the next few blog posts. Or? Take my challenge and join me in my resolutions to reality journey.
Realistic Expectations
"Dream Big" - a concept we have heard since the time we were little. But does dreaming big truly always help us? If the expectations are too big and become too unobtainable, we lose all motivation to reach for them. (I think the perfect goals are just barely out of reach). If I have the goal to reorganize absolutely everything in my apartment on a sunday the job will be come so daunting that I may not even get started. Let's say that I want to reorganize the apartment and then keep it clutter free. Instead of taking that huge task all at once, set realistic expectations. "I am going to clean under the bathroom sink this week. Next week I'll take on the dresser drawers. Or even next month?" Instead of "never having clutter" try to make the goal of cleaning clutter on sundays and wednesdays.
Breaking Up the Goals
Instead of saying "I am going to work out every day - or even twice a day", I KNOW that will not be possible. As soon as I miss those first few days, I will quit altogether and not even try. Setting a goal of 3-4 times a week? okay, that's doable. AND easier to stick to. (plus, I'll end up avoiding the weeks where I don't go to the gym at all). If I set mini-goals, they are easier to obtain and will keep me more motivated.
This year, I will NOT be setting myself up for failure.
Fresh Impressions
First impressions are everything. (I am clearly not the person who came up with that concept or the science to back it up - I wish I was, because then? I would be so rich and famous that I wouldn't have to keep my day job) But first impressions are not always easy.
Welcome to training at a big four accounting firm. (It is not just public accounting, let's face it, there is probably plenty of this in your training rooms too. And if there isn't? well, are they hiring?) Here is a room with 30 people who are all at the same level and competing for jobs, raises, and titles. (vicious sounding, I know) The new girl walks in. She just transferred, never worked on a job with anyone from the rest of the group, and no one knows her. She is like the new kid in school (that no one really likes). When she has to give her introduction everyone watches her and sizes up the competition. (Okay, this may be a little dramatic, but the point is there). She sits down at the table, reaches into her purse, and pulls out a little tin of mints. She takes one for herself and then asks "does anyone else want one?". In 5 seconds she turns from "potential threat" to best friend of everyone at the table.
Okay, alittle dramatic. But the point is there. Everyone loves gifts. Something free. The offering of the mint makes her instantly a "friend" and there is a small tiny bond and a smile exchanged. If you enter a room of people find a gesture, whether it is a mint or simply plugging in the team's laptops. It's the little things that count.
Just remember, for $1.50 at your local drug store you can buy your way into making a great first impression.
Welcome to training at a big four accounting firm. (It is not just public accounting, let's face it, there is probably plenty of this in your training rooms too. And if there isn't? well, are they hiring?) Here is a room with 30 people who are all at the same level and competing for jobs, raises, and titles. (vicious sounding, I know) The new girl walks in. She just transferred, never worked on a job with anyone from the rest of the group, and no one knows her. She is like the new kid in school (that no one really likes). When she has to give her introduction everyone watches her and sizes up the competition. (Okay, this may be a little dramatic, but the point is there). She sits down at the table, reaches into her purse, and pulls out a little tin of mints. She takes one for herself and then asks "does anyone else want one?". In 5 seconds she turns from "potential threat" to best friend of everyone at the table.
Okay, alittle dramatic. But the point is there. Everyone loves gifts. Something free. The offering of the mint makes her instantly a "friend" and there is a small tiny bond and a smile exchanged. If you enter a room of people find a gesture, whether it is a mint or simply plugging in the team's laptops. It's the little things that count.
Just remember, for $1.50 at your local drug store you can buy your way into making a great first impression.
Pay Yourself First
Pay yourself first. Trick yourself first.
I was talking to a guy friend who is worries that his future wife would drain all his money. (I am sure he put it in slightly nicer words than that, but I figured I should cut to the chase). Her idea of "investing" is investing in a new pair of shoes (can we blame her?) and her idea of "saving" is saving for that new Mercedes she has always had a crush on. Money in the bank is money in your pocket ready to spend at the nearest mall.
The best advice I could come up with? Pay yourself first. (I'll admit it, my mom once gave me that saying... but I am going to give the action plan). I told my friend that he should up his 401(k) and roth IRA contributions that are automatically deducted out of his pay check. I suggested that each month he moved the money that he wants to save into a mutual fund before his future money-loving-wife can even see the balance appear in the checking account. He thought this was brilliant.
The next day I realized that this simple concept is not just for stingy-husbands out to deprive their wives of shoes for the benefit of their future children... this applies to ME! How many times have I decided not to transfer money into savings/mutual fund/investments/etc since "this month is crazy". Guess what? "this" month is ALWAYS crazy. December holidays, January vacations, February weddings, March birthday adventures... and then summer - oh my! The next day I went to work and up my % of automatic deductions from my paycheck into my roth IRA and 401(k). What an easy way to keep myself from spending my savings. Turns out, you can't spend money that you can't touch! (what a concept!)
For extra credit, some companies even match part of your contributions. Definitely check into this with your current company/firm. This is FREE money that you could be wasting. (And if this is the case? Feel free to write me a check with your extra bonus)
I was talking to a guy friend who is worries that his future wife would drain all his money. (I am sure he put it in slightly nicer words than that, but I figured I should cut to the chase). Her idea of "investing" is investing in a new pair of shoes (can we blame her?) and her idea of "saving" is saving for that new Mercedes she has always had a crush on. Money in the bank is money in your pocket ready to spend at the nearest mall.
The best advice I could come up with? Pay yourself first. (I'll admit it, my mom once gave me that saying... but I am going to give the action plan). I told my friend that he should up his 401(k) and roth IRA contributions that are automatically deducted out of his pay check. I suggested that each month he moved the money that he wants to save into a mutual fund before his future money-loving-wife can even see the balance appear in the checking account. He thought this was brilliant.
The next day I realized that this simple concept is not just for stingy-husbands out to deprive their wives of shoes for the benefit of their future children... this applies to ME! How many times have I decided not to transfer money into savings/mutual fund/investments/etc since "this month is crazy". Guess what? "this" month is ALWAYS crazy. December holidays, January vacations, February weddings, March birthday adventures... and then summer - oh my! The next day I went to work and up my % of automatic deductions from my paycheck into my roth IRA and 401(k). What an easy way to keep myself from spending my savings. Turns out, you can't spend money that you can't touch! (what a concept!)
For extra credit, some companies even match part of your contributions. Definitely check into this with your current company/firm. This is FREE money that you could be wasting. (And if this is the case? Feel free to write me a check with your extra bonus)
Calling all computer nerds
Now, I wouldn't call myself a computer nerd - I can barely log onto my work computer while at home (security and internet connectivity and all that jazz). Don't get me wrong though, I can find a shoe sale online at DSW like it is nobody's business. Really though, I spend all day all day at my desk working (looking at the computer). I then take a break to check my email (looking at the computer) or to surf the web for some new shoes (looking at the computer). I can go home at night and read my favorite blogs (looking at the computer) or watch the tv show that I missed the night before (looking at the computer). I even prefer to read the news online so that I do not need to see all of the quite frightening videos of murders 5 miles away.
I am not alone. Most of my peers seem to spend all day on the computers only to go home and spend some more time. What is average? 8? 10 hours a day looking at a screen? We joke about how bad this is for our eyes, but what really is the effect? (I am guessing you are one of them if you are online reading this blog)
According to vision works, frequent computer users are at risk for vision stress, glucoma, and short-sitedness. To overall summarize? yes, you can have issues from staring at your screen all day and night. Is there something you can do about it? YES!
How to minimize the wear and tear on your eye balls from staring at a computer screen:
(1) Blink more often. Yes, this sounds really dumb, but people who stare at a computer blink less often than normal (I am very concious of my eye blinking at the moment). The lubercation of blinking helps keep your eyes from getting dry and irritated. Dry eyes from staring at the screen? get some visine!
(2) Take breaks. This is good for productivity anyways. Go get coffee. Go talk to a coworker. STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER. Hey, good reason to take a much deserved break huh?
(3) Adjust your brightness and contrast of the screen. If the screen is too bright you are asking to hurt your eyes. If it is too dark? you may make your eyes work harder than needed. Try to read black font on a white background when possible (like my blog!). If the background is too busy? you my be wearing out your eyes.
(4) Minimize glare. Glare from a window or wall can really wear out your eyes. Whenever possible, angle your computer to avoid this added eye-stressor.
(5) Try eye exercises. Do they work? maybe. Would I tell my friends I was trying them? probably not. Between us, here is a site that will give you detailed instructions.
(6) Consider corrective eyewear. Or just increase the side of the font on the screen. Either way, try to reduce the amount of work your eyes have to do. They even have those super stylish classes!
No matter what you do, you should get your eyes examed. I am not the best example since I absolutely LOATH going to the eye doctor and having them blow that air into my eyes. (Once they even had to tape my eyes open). Vision is so important and a sense that I would NEVER want to lose.
I am not alone. Most of my peers seem to spend all day on the computers only to go home and spend some more time. What is average? 8? 10 hours a day looking at a screen? We joke about how bad this is for our eyes, but what really is the effect? (I am guessing you are one of them if you are online reading this blog)
According to vision works, frequent computer users are at risk for vision stress, glucoma, and short-sitedness. To overall summarize? yes, you can have issues from staring at your screen all day and night. Is there something you can do about it? YES!
How to minimize the wear and tear on your eye balls from staring at a computer screen:
(1) Blink more often. Yes, this sounds really dumb, but people who stare at a computer blink less often than normal (I am very concious of my eye blinking at the moment). The lubercation of blinking helps keep your eyes from getting dry and irritated. Dry eyes from staring at the screen? get some visine!
(2) Take breaks. This is good for productivity anyways. Go get coffee. Go talk to a coworker. STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER. Hey, good reason to take a much deserved break huh?
(3) Adjust your brightness and contrast of the screen. If the screen is too bright you are asking to hurt your eyes. If it is too dark? you may make your eyes work harder than needed. Try to read black font on a white background when possible (like my blog!). If the background is too busy? you my be wearing out your eyes.
(4) Minimize glare. Glare from a window or wall can really wear out your eyes. Whenever possible, angle your computer to avoid this added eye-stressor.
(5) Try eye exercises. Do they work? maybe. Would I tell my friends I was trying them? probably not. Between us, here is a site that will give you detailed instructions.
(6) Consider corrective eyewear. Or just increase the side of the font on the screen. Either way, try to reduce the amount of work your eyes have to do. They even have those super stylish classes!
No matter what you do, you should get your eyes examed. I am not the best example since I absolutely LOATH going to the eye doctor and having them blow that air into my eyes. (Once they even had to tape my eyes open). Vision is so important and a sense that I would NEVER want to lose.
$5 or a bowl of ice cream?
This is not a blog saying that you should save $5 and not get ice cream. As any of my close friends (or anyone who has been within ear distance of me) could tell you I am a HUGE frozen yogurt fan. I could single handedly keep some of the "froyo" places in Dallas in business. (I would put froze yogurt right below my love of shoes).
That being said, we got free ice cream at work today (Marble Slab- not too shabby). I made the bold statement to my coworkes-friends (the coworkers who double as friends, everyone needs some of those, but that could be a whole different post) that "I would rather have $5 than a bowl of ice cream". We may not get big raises... but don't worry, we get free ice cream! Why would I take the $5 in my account? because, well, then I could do with the money as I pleased. (yes, a Conservative mentality... maybe living in Texas has actually gotten to me)
It took a bit of discussion for me to realize that perhaps the value that was given to be from the "Ice Cream Social" was more than the $5 the company seemingly wasted for my bowl. Let's look at the big picture. I axiously awaited "Ice Cream Day" all week. Most people here did. They might not have talked about it as much as I did, but people were actually in line waiting for it 10 minutes before the event started. We had some "bonding" while we all sat at tables and socialied for 15 minutes, and we thought "yay free stuff" (who doesn't like free stuff). I know their point was a little morale booster. To be honest? It probably boosted our morale more than $5 would have anyways - that and I didn't have to pay tax on the morale booster. (It would only have been $3.50 anyways.
The lesson here is this:
(1) Try to keep the big picture in mind
(2) If it is free, be happy - don't complain
(3) Volunteer to help your company put together "morale boosting events" so you can pick more exciting flavors than vanilla, french vanilla, and chocolate.
That being said, we got free ice cream at work today (Marble Slab- not too shabby). I made the bold statement to my coworkes-friends (the coworkers who double as friends, everyone needs some of those, but that could be a whole different post) that "I would rather have $5 than a bowl of ice cream". We may not get big raises... but don't worry, we get free ice cream! Why would I take the $5 in my account? because, well, then I could do with the money as I pleased. (yes, a Conservative mentality... maybe living in Texas has actually gotten to me)
It took a bit of discussion for me to realize that perhaps the value that was given to be from the "Ice Cream Social" was more than the $5 the company seemingly wasted for my bowl. Let's look at the big picture. I axiously awaited "Ice Cream Day" all week. Most people here did. They might not have talked about it as much as I did, but people were actually in line waiting for it 10 minutes before the event started. We had some "bonding" while we all sat at tables and socialied for 15 minutes, and we thought "yay free stuff" (who doesn't like free stuff). I know their point was a little morale booster. To be honest? It probably boosted our morale more than $5 would have anyways - that and I didn't have to pay tax on the morale booster. (It would only have been $3.50 anyways.
The lesson here is this:
(1) Try to keep the big picture in mind
(2) If it is free, be happy - don't complain
(3) Volunteer to help your company put together "morale boosting events" so you can pick more exciting flavors than vanilla, french vanilla, and chocolate.
The New Approach: Enter into the world of realistic shopping
"Window Shopping". We are all guilty of doing it. Sure its fine to go shopping and not buy anything, but how often do we find something that we simply CAN'T live without and make it our personal mission to buy it? We justify it and reason why we deserve or need it (I mean, I could wear it out at night and during the day... it completely makes an outfit.... I will bring my lunch to work for a week) or just chalk it up to a "impulsive buy" and purchase our good. (in my case? it tends to be shoes.. but everyone has their vice)
The other problem with unrealistic shopping is increased expectations. It's the same thing we have been doing to ourselves since we were in middle school. We would hang posters on our walls from Teen People of amazingly built actors and drool over the abercombie bag models.We then go to school the next day and hit with the realization that boys in middle school are not much more than "scrawny" at that age.
If you spend all day staring at Michael Kors, your DSW and Payless shoes are going to much less of an appeal. Why look at $4000 apartments "just for fun" only to make your 600 sq foot mini-place feel even more subpar.
This is probably a harder task than it seems, but I have to admit, realistic shopping might just have its perks. Be happy with what you have and don't always want that beautiful pair of stilettos in the window....
The other problem with unrealistic shopping is increased expectations. It's the same thing we have been doing to ourselves since we were in middle school. We would hang posters on our walls from Teen People of amazingly built actors and drool over the abercombie bag models.We then go to school the next day and hit with the realization that boys in middle school are not much more than "scrawny" at that age.
If you spend all day staring at Michael Kors, your DSW and Payless shoes are going to much less of an appeal. Why look at $4000 apartments "just for fun" only to make your 600 sq foot mini-place feel even more subpar.
This is probably a harder task than it seems, but I have to admit, realistic shopping might just have its perks. Be happy with what you have and don't always want that beautiful pair of stilettos in the window....
Change is a good thing
Coffee in the morning (or green tea when I am feeling extra motivated to be healthy), several water bottles a day (don't worry, I refill the same camelbak over and over), and a drink at lunch (not alcoholic of course). Let's just say I have to use the restroom several times a day.
Not that there is anything WRONG with that... or that I am going to get fired for "frequent bathroom usage", but I have to walk by the partner's offices on my way to the restroom. Yes, I look like a slacker. No, I don't really think they keep track of my frequent restroom trips - but still.
Here's the trick. If your office has more than one hallway, use them both. Take turns choosing which hallway to walk down. Two bathrooms? use both and switch up which way you walk each time. We tend to be creatures of habit and frequent the same places over and over (human nature). If you can add some variety to your life, you can drink your 8 glasses guilt-free.
Same trick would apply to leaving early. Trying to sneak out 10 minutes early two days in a row? Maybe you should use the stairs located the opposite direction one of those days. (hey, its healthier for you too!)
Not everyone has the same "issue" as me. But really the greater lesson is to think about what you do over and over as a routine and try to change it up. You may become more efficient and productive (or at least appear that way).
Not that there is anything WRONG with that... or that I am going to get fired for "frequent bathroom usage", but I have to walk by the partner's offices on my way to the restroom. Yes, I look like a slacker. No, I don't really think they keep track of my frequent restroom trips - but still.
Here's the trick. If your office has more than one hallway, use them both. Take turns choosing which hallway to walk down. Two bathrooms? use both and switch up which way you walk each time. We tend to be creatures of habit and frequent the same places over and over (human nature). If you can add some variety to your life, you can drink your 8 glasses guilt-free.
Same trick would apply to leaving early. Trying to sneak out 10 minutes early two days in a row? Maybe you should use the stairs located the opposite direction one of those days. (hey, its healthier for you too!)
Not everyone has the same "issue" as me. But really the greater lesson is to think about what you do over and over as a routine and try to change it up. You may become more efficient and productive (or at least appear that way).
Help! I'm binge shopping!
Retail therapy. We have all heard it and most of us have participated it in. (If you haven't, please shoot me a comment as you are my new idol) It really works too. Sometimes it starts small (that extra lip gloss at the checkout counter) and then grows into more (running next store for some new shoes).
If we have a good day? We reward ourselves with some shoes- or whatever your vice is. If we have a bad day? we make ourselves feel better the same way. Neither of these will help us have a good day when our credit card bill comes in.... or out checking account drops to single didgets.
So the question comes. What do we do now?
(1) Acceptance. The first step in any problem is admitting it. Should be easy, most of us are pretty guilty.
(2) Find your trigger. Try to remember times you have been binge shopping and remember what events or emotions triggered the shopping spree. A break up? A hot new date? A bad day at work? and the next time those events or emotions come up try to catch yourself going to the mall.
(3) Catch yourself in the act. Shocked that you just spent $100 at Banana Republic when you didn't even need anything to begin with? Don't walk into the next store! Go home. Or better yet? catch yourself before you get the the cashregister. (sure you can always return things, but that's just easier said than done!)
(4) Find other ways to reward or cheer yourself up. Whether its working out, spending time with friends, or laying out by the pool (it is summer right?) If you feel you MUST spend money- splurge on some ice cream with a girlfriend. $3 is much easier to squeeze into your budget than $300.
Yes, I know.. it is easier said than done. Is there anyone else who wants to join my support group?
If we have a good day? We reward ourselves with some shoes- or whatever your vice is. If we have a bad day? we make ourselves feel better the same way. Neither of these will help us have a good day when our credit card bill comes in.... or out checking account drops to single didgets.
So the question comes. What do we do now?
(1) Acceptance. The first step in any problem is admitting it. Should be easy, most of us are pretty guilty.
(2) Find your trigger. Try to remember times you have been binge shopping and remember what events or emotions triggered the shopping spree. A break up? A hot new date? A bad day at work? and the next time those events or emotions come up try to catch yourself going to the mall.
(3) Catch yourself in the act. Shocked that you just spent $100 at Banana Republic when you didn't even need anything to begin with? Don't walk into the next store! Go home. Or better yet? catch yourself before you get the the cashregister. (sure you can always return things, but that's just easier said than done!)
(4) Find other ways to reward or cheer yourself up. Whether its working out, spending time with friends, or laying out by the pool (it is summer right?) If you feel you MUST spend money- splurge on some ice cream with a girlfriend. $3 is much easier to squeeze into your budget than $300.
Yes, I know.. it is easier said than done. Is there anyone else who wants to join my support group?
Appearance is Everything
Dress for the part you want. Yes, we have heard that saying over, and over. Many good sayings come from truth.
I am about to buy a new suitcase (I know, its a weekday.. but I took the day off and I desperately need a new suitcase. Cool way to spend vacation huh?) I really need a midsized suitcase and a smaller "carryon". Seeing as I didn't budget for both this month, I can only buy one. Although midsized suitcase is probably more practical for my family wedding in Detriot this weekend, I know my job will potentially have me travelling quite a bit in the future. Lets be honest, no self-respecting business person is allowed to travel for a week a check their bags (trust me, I've been though the teasing). Instead of purchasing the suitcase better suited for a family trip, I intend to buy the carry-on. Gotta practice sometime right? Even if my colleagues weren't to tease me, if you act the part of a good traveler (or whatever part you are looking for) you soon assume the role.
Same applies at everyone's job. If you want more responsibility, volunteer for it once and you will soon be the go-to-gal for the job in the future. (On the flip side, if you DON'T want a responsibility, be careful not to volunteer too quickly... or you might be ordering dinner for the team EVERY night)
I think this saying applies beyond the work place and into your personal life. A good friend of mine (who will remain nameless at this point) was told "If you act immature, you can't be surprised by the type of girls you attract". Not that you should change for a person that you haven't even met yet- but if you want a certain role in the future, you better play the part now.
And with that I'll close with another cliche. "Fake it til you make it". Happy Dressing.
I am about to buy a new suitcase (I know, its a weekday.. but I took the day off and I desperately need a new suitcase. Cool way to spend vacation huh?) I really need a midsized suitcase and a smaller "carryon". Seeing as I didn't budget for both this month, I can only buy one. Although midsized suitcase is probably more practical for my family wedding in Detriot this weekend, I know my job will potentially have me travelling quite a bit in the future. Lets be honest, no self-respecting business person is allowed to travel for a week a check their bags (trust me, I've been though the teasing). Instead of purchasing the suitcase better suited for a family trip, I intend to buy the carry-on. Gotta practice sometime right? Even if my colleagues weren't to tease me, if you act the part of a good traveler (or whatever part you are looking for) you soon assume the role.
Same applies at everyone's job. If you want more responsibility, volunteer for it once and you will soon be the go-to-gal for the job in the future. (On the flip side, if you DON'T want a responsibility, be careful not to volunteer too quickly... or you might be ordering dinner for the team EVERY night)
I think this saying applies beyond the work place and into your personal life. A good friend of mine (who will remain nameless at this point) was told "If you act immature, you can't be surprised by the type of girls you attract". Not that you should change for a person that you haven't even met yet- but if you want a certain role in the future, you better play the part now.
And with that I'll close with another cliche. "Fake it til you make it". Happy Dressing.
Calling All Working-Ladies
Here's to you all 20-somethings. The generation who learned to type on AIM, defines a relationship through facebook, breaks up over text, and can put all deep thoughts into 140 characters on twitter. Wait, and now you want me to have a business call/interview/etc on the phone!? I may send over 3000 texts a month, but I really only talk on the phone 5 minutes- and you are asking me to have a business phone call? Heres's to all the 20-somethings who I personally know have had the same experience.
At some point in your career, whether it is at the very start (with an interview) or sometime throughout it (conference call, client call, etc) you will probably have a business phone call. So how do we become comfortable in this situation and act like we know what we are doing?
(1) Properly prepare. If you are having a call from home, get completely dressed for work. Sit up tall, not laying on the bed, at a desk or table and answer the phone as though you are at work. If you look the part of a professional, you will act the part. (You wouldnt go shopping without wearing comfortable shoes to run around the mall in without blisters, right?)
(2) Gather everything you are going to need. Make sure you have a bottle of water (just incase), pen and paper, any information you may need for the call. (That would be the equivalent of forgetting to wear a strapless bra when looking for a strapless dress)
(3) Clear the area of distractions. Don't talk on the phone and browse the internet or read the latest newsfeeds on facebook. (A girl on a mission should never be distracted)
(4) Write down questions or main talking points. BUT make sure you don't read off the sheet. It never hurts to have a cue card, but at the same time? No one wants to talk to a robot. Never interrupt the other person- if you think of something you want to say while they are talking? use that pen and paper you gathered in (2) to remember your thoughts and continue listening.
(5) Use a normal tone. You don't want to sound cold. Or nervous. If you feel nervous then make sure to talk slower and enunciate- you want the other person to be able to understand you. (You wouldn't show signs of weakness when trying to make a bargain would you?)
(6) Take time to think through your thoughts. We are used to texting or chatting online where we can type, retype, and think about our thoughts before we push send. You can't do this on the phone. Think through what you want to say. THEN say it.
(7) Smile. It goes a long way. And for some reason you really can hear it in someone's voice.
Are we at a disadvantage over the other generations who grew up talking on the phone with friends instead of texting? possibly. Is this something we can easily overcome and become comfortable with? ABSOLUTELY. Grab your career by the phone and confidently rock your important phone call.
Any other tips or advice?
At some point in your career, whether it is at the very start (with an interview) or sometime throughout it (conference call, client call, etc) you will probably have a business phone call. So how do we become comfortable in this situation and act like we know what we are doing?
(1) Properly prepare. If you are having a call from home, get completely dressed for work. Sit up tall, not laying on the bed, at a desk or table and answer the phone as though you are at work. If you look the part of a professional, you will act the part. (You wouldnt go shopping without wearing comfortable shoes to run around the mall in without blisters, right?)
(2) Gather everything you are going to need. Make sure you have a bottle of water (just incase), pen and paper, any information you may need for the call. (That would be the equivalent of forgetting to wear a strapless bra when looking for a strapless dress)
(3) Clear the area of distractions. Don't talk on the phone and browse the internet or read the latest newsfeeds on facebook. (A girl on a mission should never be distracted)
(4) Write down questions or main talking points. BUT make sure you don't read off the sheet. It never hurts to have a cue card, but at the same time? No one wants to talk to a robot. Never interrupt the other person- if you think of something you want to say while they are talking? use that pen and paper you gathered in (2) to remember your thoughts and continue listening.
(5) Use a normal tone. You don't want to sound cold. Or nervous. If you feel nervous then make sure to talk slower and enunciate- you want the other person to be able to understand you. (You wouldn't show signs of weakness when trying to make a bargain would you?)
(6) Take time to think through your thoughts. We are used to texting or chatting online where we can type, retype, and think about our thoughts before we push send. You can't do this on the phone. Think through what you want to say. THEN say it.
(7) Smile. It goes a long way. And for some reason you really can hear it in someone's voice.
Are we at a disadvantage over the other generations who grew up talking on the phone with friends instead of texting? possibly. Is this something we can easily overcome and become comfortable with? ABSOLUTELY. Grab your career by the phone and confidently rock your important phone call.
Any other tips or advice?
Time is Precious
One thing I have learned working in the real world? Time is precious. Where does the time go? And how do I get more "fun" time?
Yes, there are 168 hours in a week and that sure sounds like alot. Well, until you break it down. You spend roughly 1/3 of those hours working and another 1/3 of those hours sleeping (unless you are one of those lucky human beings who only need 5 hours to operate - there is barely enough coffee in the office to allow me weeks on end of only 5 hours a night...) That leaves you a 1/3rd of your time to do laundry, run errands, go to the grocery store, shower (its important) and get ready, commute to work... and you get the picture.
So what is the solution? We can't quit our jobs (well, I guess we can, but I am not recommending that one), We can't cut down on sleep (again, not my recommendation), We can't exactly stop time (but if you know how to, PLEASE let me know your tricks). All we can do is learn how to use our time more efficiently so that we have more "fun" and less "chore" time.
(1) Make lists. Same as the sticky note concept. If you write down what you need to do, you wont have to constantly be thinking about it to remember it. It frees up your mind to work effectively while at work or out with friends. If you write down what you need to do, you won't forget the important items. Along the same lines, if you make lists for the week you can avoid doing the same task twice. If you figure out meals for the entire week on Sunday, you can only have to go to the grocery store once a week rather than every other night.
(2) Prioritize. Not everything can be done today (and not everything will be done today). Figure out what is a HAVE to do and what is a want to do. You might have to iron your pants for work tomorrow, but you can hold off on washing your sheets two more nights.
(3) Do it now. I can't think of how many "productive sundays" I have laid in bed for an hour longer just thinking about what I needed to do that day.... and then crawled on my couch to watch a quit movie.. you know, to "wake up". By then a friend might call, and of course I would love to go shopping/lunch/movie/just about anything but be productive. Suddenly it is 10pm and I haven't even started my to-do list. Oh procrastination... you were my friend in college, but in the real world? I just don't have time for you anymore.
(4) Time Chunk. Let's say my room is a mess. I am one of those people who will start to straighten it, then take a shower, then straighten some more, then make a phone call, then maybe pick up one more thing, then run to the store. I am most productive when I put a few songs on grooveshark and say "I am going to clean until these three songs are done." The task is literally almost always done.... and in 1/4 of the time. Focus on what you are doing, and the job gets done.
(5) Combine certain tasks. This sounds like it contradicts (4), but stick with me. Some "chores" can be done while doing something you have to do anyways (stick with me while I try to explain). Let's say I am walking to lunch to meet a friend. While I walk, I might as well call the front office to fix a leaky facet. Or (by making lists) I can prepare ahead of time so that I am taking my checks to the ATM inside the grocery store rather than making a separate trip to the bank later. Simple, yet effective. (Also sometimes easier said than done for my frazzled self)
(6) Find your optimal productivity-time. My friend Kelly will get up at 5am (yes, that sounds painful to me too) to do chores and work out before work. She has 3 additional hours every morning that I snooze through. She claims that after work she is absolutely unproductive. As for me? I would rather run my errands on the way home from work than pull myself out of my bed a moment before I absolutely must. Figure out what works for you and live by it.
(7) Step away from the computer. (after you read my posts of course!) I can be completely ready to go to bed and then spend 2 hours surfing blogs, chatting with friends, responding to emails, reading celebrity news (guilty pleasure, don't judge), etc. 2 hours! I would rather spend that time working out, meeting up with friends, getting a good night sleep. And those 2 hours sure do add up overtime. If might be the TV for you, or rockband, or another time eating vice.
These tricks might not work for everyone. And if you are one of those people who already have a great system? please share with me! It is a never ending struggle for me... find more time so I can "play" more and "work" less.
Yes, there are 168 hours in a week and that sure sounds like alot. Well, until you break it down. You spend roughly 1/3 of those hours working and another 1/3 of those hours sleeping (unless you are one of those lucky human beings who only need 5 hours to operate - there is barely enough coffee in the office to allow me weeks on end of only 5 hours a night...) That leaves you a 1/3rd of your time to do laundry, run errands, go to the grocery store, shower (its important) and get ready, commute to work... and you get the picture.
So what is the solution? We can't quit our jobs (well, I guess we can, but I am not recommending that one), We can't cut down on sleep (again, not my recommendation), We can't exactly stop time (but if you know how to, PLEASE let me know your tricks). All we can do is learn how to use our time more efficiently so that we have more "fun" and less "chore" time.
(1) Make lists. Same as the sticky note concept. If you write down what you need to do, you wont have to constantly be thinking about it to remember it. It frees up your mind to work effectively while at work or out with friends. If you write down what you need to do, you won't forget the important items. Along the same lines, if you make lists for the week you can avoid doing the same task twice. If you figure out meals for the entire week on Sunday, you can only have to go to the grocery store once a week rather than every other night.
(2) Prioritize. Not everything can be done today (and not everything will be done today). Figure out what is a HAVE to do and what is a want to do. You might have to iron your pants for work tomorrow, but you can hold off on washing your sheets two more nights.
(3) Do it now. I can't think of how many "productive sundays" I have laid in bed for an hour longer just thinking about what I needed to do that day.... and then crawled on my couch to watch a quit movie.. you know, to "wake up". By then a friend might call, and of course I would love to go shopping/lunch/movie/just about anything but be productive. Suddenly it is 10pm and I haven't even started my to-do list. Oh procrastination... you were my friend in college, but in the real world? I just don't have time for you anymore.
(4) Time Chunk. Let's say my room is a mess. I am one of those people who will start to straighten it, then take a shower, then straighten some more, then make a phone call, then maybe pick up one more thing, then run to the store. I am most productive when I put a few songs on grooveshark and say "I am going to clean until these three songs are done." The task is literally almost always done.... and in 1/4 of the time. Focus on what you are doing, and the job gets done.
(5) Combine certain tasks. This sounds like it contradicts (4), but stick with me. Some "chores" can be done while doing something you have to do anyways (stick with me while I try to explain). Let's say I am walking to lunch to meet a friend. While I walk, I might as well call the front office to fix a leaky facet. Or (by making lists) I can prepare ahead of time so that I am taking my checks to the ATM inside the grocery store rather than making a separate trip to the bank later. Simple, yet effective. (Also sometimes easier said than done for my frazzled self)
(6) Find your optimal productivity-time. My friend Kelly will get up at 5am (yes, that sounds painful to me too) to do chores and work out before work. She has 3 additional hours every morning that I snooze through. She claims that after work she is absolutely unproductive. As for me? I would rather run my errands on the way home from work than pull myself out of my bed a moment before I absolutely must. Figure out what works for you and live by it.
(7) Step away from the computer. (after you read my posts of course!) I can be completely ready to go to bed and then spend 2 hours surfing blogs, chatting with friends, responding to emails, reading celebrity news (guilty pleasure, don't judge), etc. 2 hours! I would rather spend that time working out, meeting up with friends, getting a good night sleep. And those 2 hours sure do add up overtime. If might be the TV for you, or rockband, or another time eating vice.
These tricks might not work for everyone. And if you are one of those people who already have a great system? please share with me! It is a never ending struggle for me... find more time so I can "play" more and "work" less.
Pick Your Poison
... Your financial poison that is. Everyone has one.
Here's the story. I was driving with Danielle, a friend from work (the same exact salary), and she was talking about her tanning membership. She mentioned the monthly cost and I swear my heart skipped two beats. I remained calm on the exterior while my internal alarms went off thinking "You pay WHAT to fake tan!? You've GOT to be kidding me! ... you do realize the sun is free right? and skin cancer? and..." (Disclaimer: I am not judging those who fake tan, and I am fully aware that your arms really do look more toned with a nice tan). Here's the thing though, her tanning membership is approximately the same monthly cost of my overly priced (and yet so charming) yoga studio. In the end? we end up the same. Its just how you pick your poison.
So here's the concept. No matter what your financial state is, you are going to have to make choices. For Danielle and I? Do you spend the money on a tanning membership or a yoga membership? My mom on the otherhand chooses to get her nails done weekly and a pedicure every month. Is there anything wrong with spending money on yourself? absolutely not! Everyone has their poison- the trick is to not pick TO MANY poisons.
How do we do this?
(1) Look at your big purchases. Your house, your car, your vacations. You have to decide how to allocate your income and still have some disposable income for those irresistible shoes.. oh yea, and groceries. Maybe you are a car person and could care less for a large house. Maybe you will sacrifice both for world vacations? Just realize there are sacrifices.
(2) After you look at your big purchases, make decisions with your income left over (your disposable income). Do you need to buy a bridesmaid dress this month? This might not be the month to order a round of drinks for everyone at the bar then. (When you do decide to order a round of drinks for everyone at the bar- don't forget to invite me) Pick what you spend your money on. Do you like nice highlights? or namebrand clothes?
Yes, this concept is simple. But it really, truly applies to everyone. (Even multimillionaires have to decide if they want their next mega-mansion vacation home in England or Paris) Be careful that your eyes are not bigger than your wallet.
So.... What is your poison? What do you give up? How do you decide? ....Until next time, Happy picking!
Here's the story. I was driving with Danielle, a friend from work (the same exact salary), and she was talking about her tanning membership. She mentioned the monthly cost and I swear my heart skipped two beats. I remained calm on the exterior while my internal alarms went off thinking "You pay WHAT to fake tan!? You've GOT to be kidding me! ... you do realize the sun is free right? and skin cancer? and..." (Disclaimer: I am not judging those who fake tan, and I am fully aware that your arms really do look more toned with a nice tan). Here's the thing though, her tanning membership is approximately the same monthly cost of my overly priced (and yet so charming) yoga studio. In the end? we end up the same. Its just how you pick your poison.
So here's the concept. No matter what your financial state is, you are going to have to make choices. For Danielle and I? Do you spend the money on a tanning membership or a yoga membership? My mom on the otherhand chooses to get her nails done weekly and a pedicure every month. Is there anything wrong with spending money on yourself? absolutely not! Everyone has their poison- the trick is to not pick TO MANY poisons.
How do we do this?
(1) Look at your big purchases. Your house, your car, your vacations. You have to decide how to allocate your income and still have some disposable income for those irresistible shoes.. oh yea, and groceries. Maybe you are a car person and could care less for a large house. Maybe you will sacrifice both for world vacations? Just realize there are sacrifices.
(2) After you look at your big purchases, make decisions with your income left over (your disposable income). Do you need to buy a bridesmaid dress this month? This might not be the month to order a round of drinks for everyone at the bar then. (When you do decide to order a round of drinks for everyone at the bar- don't forget to invite me) Pick what you spend your money on. Do you like nice highlights? or namebrand clothes?
Yes, this concept is simple. But it really, truly applies to everyone. (Even multimillionaires have to decide if they want their next mega-mansion vacation home in England or Paris) Be careful that your eyes are not bigger than your wallet.
So.... What is your poison? What do you give up? How do you decide? ....Until next time, Happy picking!
Honestly, I'm down like the economy
-Thank you Little Wayne for giving me one of my favorite lines in a rap song.
It seems as though this song is slowly becoming outdated. With the turn in the stockmarket, consumer spending, and employment, analysts predict an overall increase in growth to be higher than than 3% in 2011.
Great. So you might be asking, "What does this mean for me"? (You selfish person...)
Well, I'll tell you what it means for me. It means my rent is going to be $45 higher every month to live in the same apartment. When I went to talk to the complex owners they explained to me that they predict the economy will be higher and therefore the whole area is raising prices. (Please, don't listen to wall street, listen to the apartment owners at your apartment complex... they seem to have this whole economy thing figured out) It's funny that my job isn't giving me a raise to reflect the future change in the economy and my increase apartment rent.
Although your rent might not personally be increasing, there is still a lesson to be learned. Just because some hot shot analysts think the economy may be going up doesn't exactly give you the go-ahead to go to the mall and spend $700 on new shoes. There will always be surprise additional expenses that may pop up. (Oh, maybe like gas prices?) The financial health of the country may not completely reflect your personal financial health.
If there IS something to do differently, it should be to invest. If the economy is going up, this is the time to open an mutual fund. Take this opportunity to grow your wealth and not to spend it. Sigh, hard lesson I know.
Is this post my best work? Probably not. But I was listening to Jay Sean and Little Wayne while I wrote it before their song goes out of style.
It seems as though this song is slowly becoming outdated. With the turn in the stockmarket, consumer spending, and employment, analysts predict an overall increase in growth to be higher than than 3% in 2011.
Great. So you might be asking, "What does this mean for me"? (You selfish person...)
Well, I'll tell you what it means for me. It means my rent is going to be $45 higher every month to live in the same apartment. When I went to talk to the complex owners they explained to me that they predict the economy will be higher and therefore the whole area is raising prices. (Please, don't listen to wall street, listen to the apartment owners at your apartment complex... they seem to have this whole economy thing figured out) It's funny that my job isn't giving me a raise to reflect the future change in the economy and my increase apartment rent.
Although your rent might not personally be increasing, there is still a lesson to be learned. Just because some hot shot analysts think the economy may be going up doesn't exactly give you the go-ahead to go to the mall and spend $700 on new shoes. There will always be surprise additional expenses that may pop up. (Oh, maybe like gas prices?) The financial health of the country may not completely reflect your personal financial health.
If there IS something to do differently, it should be to invest. If the economy is going up, this is the time to open an mutual fund. Take this opportunity to grow your wealth and not to spend it. Sigh, hard lesson I know.
Is this post my best work? Probably not. But I was listening to Jay Sean and Little Wayne while I wrote it before their song goes out of style.
Don't hate your commute, Embrace it!
I am pretty sure no one would argue that Oprah isn't a pretty smart lady (let's face it, she has the most successful talk show, her own magazine, extreme wealth, a good reputation, and definitely a household name). I would have said that she tends to speak more to our mother's generation. (Isn't it funny how suddenly you reach your twenties and your parent's generation isn't so dumb anymore?) BUT A great point that Oprah made on her show is that more people hate their commute than hate their jobs when it really comes down to it. Interesting, since most people I know aren't exactly ecstatic about working.
Does this apply to our generation? Absolutely. This applies to my friend who has to drive an hour north to go to grad classes 2 days a week. Or my coworkers who got assigned to a client 45 minutes away. This applies to all the people I know (and see) stuck on the interstate trying to make it to work by 8.
So what? Is the solution to move? Well, maybe, if you live in an apartment and feel like you would be happier closer to the office. But that can be a bit drastic (especially if you are only on a client for a few months, or commute a couple days a week). Maybe instead we should just learn to embrace the commute.
I was talking to my friend Emily who was less than thrilled about her drive when this idea came to me. We started brainstorming ideas to make her commute something to look forward to. Here are my ideas:
1. Connect with old friends. No, I am not saying that you should text and drive. But so many cars have hands free devices built in anyways that its a shame to waste good technology. Haven't you ever had a meal with a friend where 3 hours feels like only 10 minutes. Apply this concept to driving. Bam! You are at your destination!
2. Plan your day. This is such a good time to think about your to-do list. Figure out when you will be getting things done, and get prepared and mentally ready for the day.
3. Jam out to your favorite playlist. When else do you get to listen to your favorite songs? Sure maybe if you go for a run, but this gives you the same opportunity without the pain and suffering.
4. Learn something new. There are so many books on tape, why not learn something you've always wanted to learn? Maybe a new language? or just some new skill? Improve yourself and take the time for yourself to actually grow.
5. Relax. Really. Road rage is a state of mind. Instead of being frustrated in traffic, think of it as some extra time that you get to spend by yourself. You have no other obligations at the moment and can purely relax and spend some quality "ME" time!
Did this work for Emily? Yes. Does it work all the time? Eh, I'm sure it doesn't. But its worth a shot right?
Let me know if the theory works for you. What do you do to embrace your commute?
Does this apply to our generation? Absolutely. This applies to my friend who has to drive an hour north to go to grad classes 2 days a week. Or my coworkers who got assigned to a client 45 minutes away. This applies to all the people I know (and see) stuck on the interstate trying to make it to work by 8.
So what? Is the solution to move? Well, maybe, if you live in an apartment and feel like you would be happier closer to the office. But that can be a bit drastic (especially if you are only on a client for a few months, or commute a couple days a week). Maybe instead we should just learn to embrace the commute.
I was talking to my friend Emily who was less than thrilled about her drive when this idea came to me. We started brainstorming ideas to make her commute something to look forward to. Here are my ideas:
1. Connect with old friends. No, I am not saying that you should text and drive. But so many cars have hands free devices built in anyways that its a shame to waste good technology. Haven't you ever had a meal with a friend where 3 hours feels like only 10 minutes. Apply this concept to driving. Bam! You are at your destination!
2. Plan your day. This is such a good time to think about your to-do list. Figure out when you will be getting things done, and get prepared and mentally ready for the day.
3. Jam out to your favorite playlist. When else do you get to listen to your favorite songs? Sure maybe if you go for a run, but this gives you the same opportunity without the pain and suffering.
4. Learn something new. There are so many books on tape, why not learn something you've always wanted to learn? Maybe a new language? or just some new skill? Improve yourself and take the time for yourself to actually grow.
5. Relax. Really. Road rage is a state of mind. Instead of being frustrated in traffic, think of it as some extra time that you get to spend by yourself. You have no other obligations at the moment and can purely relax and spend some quality "ME" time!
Did this work for Emily? Yes. Does it work all the time? Eh, I'm sure it doesn't. But its worth a shot right?
Let me know if the theory works for you. What do you do to embrace your commute?
Tax Tuesday: Show me the money!
Note: If you owe money to the IRS, you can stop reading now. This post will only make you sad. (and no one wants to be sad)
So you have gathered the paperwork, picked a method to file, filed... and now you are checking your bank account and mail everyday for the increase in your financial status.
If you efiled (as I encouraged you to do!), you should get your refund in 75 hours. Don't wait on your computer clicking refresh every 10 seconds.. it is the IRS afterall, and they this rough estimate can vary based on how many returns came in at once.
If you filed a paper return? It should take 3-4 weeks. (what!? but im used to getting paid every 2 weeks.... welp, should have efiled)
Curious just where you stand? (of course you are! who DOESN'T want their money?) Well, the IRS was sick of phone calls from impatient taxpayers (or should I say, taxreceivers?) so they created a website that lets you check your status! Wheres My Refund? All you need is (1) your social security number (2) your filing status (3) and your refund amount.
Happy waiting...
So you have gathered the paperwork, picked a method to file, filed... and now you are checking your bank account and mail everyday for the increase in your financial status.
If you efiled (as I encouraged you to do!), you should get your refund in 75 hours. Don't wait on your computer clicking refresh every 10 seconds.. it is the IRS afterall, and they this rough estimate can vary based on how many returns came in at once.
If you filed a paper return? It should take 3-4 weeks. (what!? but im used to getting paid every 2 weeks.... welp, should have efiled)
Curious just where you stand? (of course you are! who DOESN'T want their money?) Well, the IRS was sick of phone calls from impatient taxpayers (or should I say, taxreceivers?) so they created a website that lets you check your status! Wheres My Refund? All you need is (1) your social security number (2) your filing status (3) and your refund amount.
Happy waiting...
Love where you live
When I travel to another city (in the US, or outside the states) I imagine what my life would be like in that city. I think of how amazing it would be to wander the Louvre on a Saturday, or take run by the ocean before work.
I had drinks with a guy who truly loved where he lived (the city that is) I mean truly, deeply, loved everything about the city and its culture. Of course this made me want to sell Dallas, so I thought of every positive I could possibly think of to share about the Big D. Turns out excitement can be contagious and I realized I liked the city I lived in. (But again, not as much as this guy liked his hometown)
It is important that you love the city you live in. You do, after all, spend way more time in that city than you do on vacation. Have you ever stopped to think that some people actually go on vacation to see your home town? What draws them there? I have no research to back this up, but I think you are happier overall if you love where you live.
How do you do love where you live?
1. Play tourist for a day- go to all the sites that you think an outsider would go to if they were visiting. (Frommer's is actually free online - try to knock off every "To Do" on the list)
2. Always root for the home team - (unless they are playing the spurs) I can't help but think there isn't some sort of bonding a city goes through when the home team wins. They honk at eachother, drink with eachother, and are generally united in city pride.
3. Appreciate the view. Whether its a skyline, a beach, a forest, a quaint neighborhood... every city has something. (guilty. I live by the skyline and forget to really appreciate it unless I am showing it off)
4. Enjoy a dinner out. We forget that we might live in a city fabulous restaurants (because we are cheap) and then go on vacation, splurge, and think other places have WAY better food. Guess what? A night out where you live to experience a good meal is cheaper than a whole vacation. On vacation we try to "eat like the locals"... in your own town, don't you think you should BE that local?
I challenge you to try one (or all) of my random ideas to work on loving where you live. You just never know when you may have to move. Any other ideas? Open to suggestions, ideas, or any research to back up my hypothesis!
I had drinks with a guy who truly loved where he lived (the city that is) I mean truly, deeply, loved everything about the city and its culture. Of course this made me want to sell Dallas, so I thought of every positive I could possibly think of to share about the Big D. Turns out excitement can be contagious and I realized I liked the city I lived in. (But again, not as much as this guy liked his hometown)
It is important that you love the city you live in. You do, after all, spend way more time in that city than you do on vacation. Have you ever stopped to think that some people actually go on vacation to see your home town? What draws them there? I have no research to back this up, but I think you are happier overall if you love where you live.
How do you do love where you live?
1. Play tourist for a day- go to all the sites that you think an outsider would go to if they were visiting. (Frommer's is actually free online - try to knock off every "To Do" on the list)
2. Always root for the home team - (unless they are playing the spurs) I can't help but think there isn't some sort of bonding a city goes through when the home team wins. They honk at eachother, drink with eachother, and are generally united in city pride.
3. Appreciate the view. Whether its a skyline, a beach, a forest, a quaint neighborhood... every city has something. (guilty. I live by the skyline and forget to really appreciate it unless I am showing it off)
4. Enjoy a dinner out. We forget that we might live in a city fabulous restaurants (because we are cheap) and then go on vacation, splurge, and think other places have WAY better food. Guess what? A night out where you live to experience a good meal is cheaper than a whole vacation. On vacation we try to "eat like the locals"... in your own town, don't you think you should BE that local?
I challenge you to try one (or all) of my random ideas to work on loving where you live. You just never know when you may have to move. Any other ideas? Open to suggestions, ideas, or any research to back up my hypothesis!
Don't Talk to Strangers... usually
Set the stage: defenseless girl, walking home from late yoga class at 9pm. (In a relatively safe neighborhood, but still close to downtown Dallas).
I notice that a guy is following me, but I can't turn around because... well... that would just be weird. And I am in a calm yoga state of mind anyways. He follows me to my apartment complex. I think, "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my apartment complex." He follows me to my building (we have four in my apartments). "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my building in my apartment complex." He follows me in. Then follows me to my side of the building (we have two split sides) "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my side of my building in my apartment complex." He follows me up my staircase (there are three- with 15 apartments in each one) "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my staircase on my side of the building in my apartment complex."
Then he stops on my floor. (4 apartments total) This is where I FINALLY lose my yoga chia and start to panic.
Turns out he is my neighbor. and he was in my yoga class. and we went to yoga together the next morning.
This is not always the case though. The bigger questions are: Why wasn't I paying attention? Why did I let him follow me in? What should I have done? What would I have done if the stranger had been bad?
What are simple safety tips that every savvy girl should know?
1. Don't panic- at the same time, PAY ATTENTION, unlike me. Using your brain? most important. If you panic while walking from the mall to your car, you wont be able to think clearly and figure out a strategy out.
2. Take a self defense class. Would it hurt to know how to throw a decent punch? Don't have time? Watch a self defense video.
3. Have your cellphone on you. And if you are like my friend Kelly- Have. It. Charged. ;) If its dead, well, you could be too. (thats sick, I know)
4. Carry some Mace. The only place I have seen it is an auto supply shop, but I hear you get get it at walmart too.
5. Park under a lamp post. This makes so much sense but I never actually think about it. And park close to the store, shorter the walk, less time for trouble.
6. If walking? choose larger streets. Even if you same time taking the back road, it just could be worth it.
7. Don't listen to music on your walk. Backstreet Boys will be just as good Back at your apartment and off the Back Streets. That way you can listen for people following you and pay attention to what is going on around you.
8. Don't be afraid to run. This hurts to write... BUT, don't be afraid to kick off those heels and run home/car/etc if needed. You can always buy new shoes (ouch)...
9. Do some online research for more tips. Hey, its cheaper than online shopping. Try My Optum Health. or NYPD's Online Tips.
Or? you can always just get a sexy body guard like Kim Kardashian. But let's be real, who has that in their budget?
Yes, some strangers are just innocent yoga-doing-neighbors. Others? not so flexible and friendly. Don't be afraid, but be aware. (Do as I say, not as I do. Or did.)
I notice that a guy is following me, but I can't turn around because... well... that would just be weird. And I am in a calm yoga state of mind anyways. He follows me to my apartment complex. I think, "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my apartment complex." He follows me to my building (we have four in my apartments). "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my building in my apartment complex." He follows me in. Then follows me to my side of the building (we have two split sides) "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my side of my building in my apartment complex." He follows me up my staircase (there are three- with 15 apartments in each one) "Oh isn't that weird? He lives in my staircase on my side of the building in my apartment complex."
Then he stops on my floor. (4 apartments total) This is where I FINALLY lose my yoga chia and start to panic.
Turns out he is my neighbor. and he was in my yoga class. and we went to yoga together the next morning.
This is not always the case though. The bigger questions are: Why wasn't I paying attention? Why did I let him follow me in? What should I have done? What would I have done if the stranger had been bad?
What are simple safety tips that every savvy girl should know?
1. Don't panic- at the same time, PAY ATTENTION, unlike me. Using your brain? most important. If you panic while walking from the mall to your car, you wont be able to think clearly and figure out a strategy out.
2. Take a self defense class. Would it hurt to know how to throw a decent punch? Don't have time? Watch a self defense video.
3. Have your cellphone on you. And if you are like my friend Kelly- Have. It. Charged. ;) If its dead, well, you could be too. (thats sick, I know)
4. Carry some Mace. The only place I have seen it is an auto supply shop, but I hear you get get it at walmart too.
5. Park under a lamp post. This makes so much sense but I never actually think about it. And park close to the store, shorter the walk, less time for trouble.
6. If walking? choose larger streets. Even if you same time taking the back road, it just could be worth it.
7. Don't listen to music on your walk. Backstreet Boys will be just as good Back at your apartment and off the Back Streets. That way you can listen for people following you and pay attention to what is going on around you.
8. Don't be afraid to run. This hurts to write... BUT, don't be afraid to kick off those heels and run home/car/etc if needed. You can always buy new shoes (ouch)...
9. Do some online research for more tips. Hey, its cheaper than online shopping. Try My Optum Health. or NYPD's Online Tips.
Or? you can always just get a sexy body guard like Kim Kardashian. But let's be real, who has that in their budget?
Yes, some strangers are just innocent yoga-doing-neighbors. Others? not so flexible and friendly. Don't be afraid, but be aware. (Do as I say, not as I do. Or did.)
Tax Tuesday: What Santa and Congress have in common
You better not shout (Yes, it is frustrating to do taxes), you better not cry (Okay, so you might not have a refund this year), you better watch out (hope you saved your receipts...), I'm telling you why.... Congress is coming to town (and collecting taxes)
Yes, there is a strange similarity between the IRS and Santa. (I want to point out the common misconception that the IRS does not actually write the tax law, it just administers Congress's work... probably why taxes are so messed up?) The IRS and Santa invade out homes once a year. The reward, whether it is a tax refund/ lower taxes or presents is directly correlated to your actions all year long - if you are a "good" boy or girl or citizen all year (giving to charity or playing well with others). The punishment, whether it is paying higher taxes or coal has the same correlation.
Both Santa and the IRS try all year to "teach" us to be better. Seems like the two of them are more manipulative than some people's crazy Ex's. We all know what a "good" boy or girl is like in Santa's eyes, but what about the governments?
1. You should grow up and get married- you get to file jointly!
2. You should buy a home- we will let deduct your interest. Still not good enough? Here, have a tax credit!
3. You should have kids- Its hard enough, so you deserve a deduction for dependents.
4. Your kids should have child care- this way you can work, get more money, and pay more taxes. But we will give you a break on child care.
5. You should go to school- cant afford it? we will help you out
6. You should not smoke or drink or tan- hey, we can implement a sin tax to punish you unhealthy people
7. You should take care of your elders- qualified relative deduction.
8. You should give to charity- charitable contribution
9. You should still take care of your kids if you get divorced- thats right. we will make you pay it AND not charge the poor caregiver income tax on the child support.
10. You should save your money- we just might not tax you on it.
What manipulative people those politicians are. But then again? so is Santa. I guess someone has to teach us right from wrong once we reach adulthood.
They see you when youre sleeping, they know when youre awake (and working so you can pay taxes), They know if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake. (Does this not creep anyone else out?)
Yes, there is a strange similarity between the IRS and Santa. (I want to point out the common misconception that the IRS does not actually write the tax law, it just administers Congress's work... probably why taxes are so messed up?) The IRS and Santa invade out homes once a year. The reward, whether it is a tax refund/ lower taxes or presents is directly correlated to your actions all year long - if you are a "good" boy or girl or citizen all year (giving to charity or playing well with others). The punishment, whether it is paying higher taxes or coal has the same correlation.
Both Santa and the IRS try all year to "teach" us to be better. Seems like the two of them are more manipulative than some people's crazy Ex's. We all know what a "good" boy or girl is like in Santa's eyes, but what about the governments?
1. You should grow up and get married- you get to file jointly!
2. You should buy a home- we will let deduct your interest. Still not good enough? Here, have a tax credit!
3. You should have kids- Its hard enough, so you deserve a deduction for dependents.
4. Your kids should have child care- this way you can work, get more money, and pay more taxes. But we will give you a break on child care.
5. You should go to school- cant afford it? we will help you out
6. You should not smoke or drink or tan- hey, we can implement a sin tax to punish you unhealthy people
7. You should take care of your elders- qualified relative deduction.
8. You should give to charity- charitable contribution
9. You should still take care of your kids if you get divorced- thats right. we will make you pay it AND not charge the poor caregiver income tax on the child support.
10. You should save your money- we just might not tax you on it.
What manipulative people those politicians are. But then again? so is Santa. I guess someone has to teach us right from wrong once we reach adulthood.
They see you when youre sleeping, they know when youre awake (and working so you can pay taxes), They know if you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake. (Does this not creep anyone else out?)
Is Wishing Overrated?
My birthday is on Thursday. (If you found my blog through facebook, you probably already know that). A girl at work today asked me "So what are you going to wish for?". Two thoughts came to my head: (1) Ummm, aren't you NOT supposed to ask someone that? (2) Holy moses, I have no idea!
I basically spent all of 2010 "wishing" to pass the CPA exam. You think I am kidding? Every eyelash that fell, every time the clock hit 11:11, everytime my necklace clasp fell to the front.... I literally ran outside to wish on the first star I saw each night. (couldn't hurt right?) I quite honestly wished to pass REG On. My. Birthday. Cake. (I can only tell you now since that darn thing is over, I'm pretty sure thats how it works).
But since those dreadful tests ended I can't really think of a true, hope with all your might, wish. Sure, there is the cliche "I hope to win the lottery" but I havn't actually ever bought a ticket. (and I am pretty sure that is the first step)
Is wishing no longer the norm in your 20s? (something better left to elementry school) Did we become too practical and realistic to wish on birthday candles? Am I the only one who still holds my breath when I drive by a cementery? Or has the sudden erge to punch someone when they see a volkswagen? For the record I WILL wish something on my birthday candles (no wish I MAY, wish I MIGHT... wish I WILL) and I encourage everyone to think of their next wish for 11:11 or when the opportunity arises.
I basically spent all of 2010 "wishing" to pass the CPA exam. You think I am kidding? Every eyelash that fell, every time the clock hit 11:11, everytime my necklace clasp fell to the front.... I literally ran outside to wish on the first star I saw each night. (couldn't hurt right?) I quite honestly wished to pass REG On. My. Birthday. Cake. (I can only tell you now since that darn thing is over, I'm pretty sure thats how it works).
But since those dreadful tests ended I can't really think of a true, hope with all your might, wish. Sure, there is the cliche "I hope to win the lottery" but I havn't actually ever bought a ticket. (and I am pretty sure that is the first step)
Is wishing no longer the norm in your 20s? (something better left to elementry school) Did we become too practical and realistic to wish on birthday candles? Am I the only one who still holds my breath when I drive by a cementery? Or has the sudden erge to punch someone when they see a volkswagen? For the record I WILL wish something on my birthday candles (no wish I MAY, wish I MIGHT... wish I WILL) and I encourage everyone to think of their next wish for 11:11 or when the opportunity arises.
Tax Tuesday: The big move
The only constant is change -Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher. (Yes, I had to wikipedia the quote so I could correctly cite the right person. I honestly don't know who that guy is. But hes pretty smart and his saying is famous)
This is true when it comes to jobs. When I look at most of my college friends they have graduated college, spent so much time looking for just any job due to the economy, built up their resume, and then switched. Or started with a job, decided they never should have picked their major, and switched. Many times friends have left the city, state, and country to do so. (Not that either of these apply to me and I'm not looking to leave my job, I am simply noting the trend).
Yes, we are in a world where people change their jobs more than they change their hairstyles. It only makes it that much more important to uncover the hidden tax treasure of "The Big Move".
New Job? Same Job? Your First Job? Doesn't matter. You have to pass two tests to deduct your moving expenses:
1. Is your "New Job" and "Old Home" commute 50 miles greater than your old commute? If yes? continue. If no? You did not pass go and you do not collect a tax deduction.
2. Did you work 39 weeks out of the first 12 months of your move? This stops those government-money-stealing people who are looking for a tax break, so they move to Hawaii and work at starbucks for a week just to quit and have some of the moving expenses deducted. (really? who does that?)
And what do you win? For playing "The Big Move" you win the following deductions:
1. 16.5 cents per mile driving to your new home. which doesn't work so well if you want to drive to Hawaii, don't try it. 16.5 cents is nothing really
2.The cost of packing and shipping your possessions. AWESOME for Hawaii. and for those pack rats out there
3. The cost of travel to your new home- lodging, not meals. 5 star hotels with mcdonalds fries please
4. The cost of disconnecting your utilities and setting up your new ones. Yes, you can still use your blowdryer in Hawaii. Sweet.
What is the best advice? Save your receipts. You never know when you will discover that you can deduct certain items in your move... or defend yourself to the IRS. But don't worry, you can deduct the cost of moving your receipts with you to your new home. (or be practical and scan them into your computer, but whatever works for you)
The Dollar Test
Smart shopping is good shopping. You deserve new shoes, new clothes, and new accessories... but how do you know if you will really get your money's worth?
I have this fabulous jacket from Banana Republic. I love the jacket. It is fashionable and dressy and I feel like a million bucks when I wear it. Does that mean its worth a million dollars, because that is how I FELT when I put it on in the store? No. Is it worth the $150 original price? Is it worth the $60 that I paid for it?
I am going to be honest now. I have worn that wonderful jacket maybe 4 times. It isn't something you can wear every week and isn't exactly practical to wear to work often at all. It is too dressy to wear to brunch with my friends... it screams "Fashionable WORK outfit". Which leads me to the question: Is it worth it?
I have always followed the Dollar Test. It is a 100% original theory that I have lived by for several years. (Or at least believed was original until a conversation today with a coworker, Katie, who has a very similar theory. It goes like this: For every dollar spent on an item, you should wear it one time. So $50 jeans? better wear them 50 times to make it worth it. $20 shirt? get 20 wears out of it and you are golden.
Katie has been in the real world a few years longer than I have. She has the same theory but applies different numbers for different clothing types. For example, that formal dress? You probably wont wear it 100 times, so formal dresses should have a $50/time limit. Underwear? 50cent/time. The two of us sat there and named different types of clothing and put a "Dollar/time" limit on it. (Yes, we have the very exciting job of being accountants, so this is how we spiced up the afternoon). Everything for the most part had a $1-$5/wear limit.
The more practical way to organize your shopping? Have a budget. "I can spend 100 a month on shopping". This alone might keep you from blowing $60 on a jacket that you will only wear 4 times. For those of you who throw your budget out the window like last year's fashion? try to find a reasonable "Is it worth it" method. Maybe The Dollar Test will work for you?
I have this fabulous jacket from Banana Republic. I love the jacket. It is fashionable and dressy and I feel like a million bucks when I wear it. Does that mean its worth a million dollars, because that is how I FELT when I put it on in the store? No. Is it worth the $150 original price? Is it worth the $60 that I paid for it?
I am going to be honest now. I have worn that wonderful jacket maybe 4 times. It isn't something you can wear every week and isn't exactly practical to wear to work often at all. It is too dressy to wear to brunch with my friends... it screams "Fashionable WORK outfit". Which leads me to the question: Is it worth it?
I have always followed the Dollar Test. It is a 100% original theory that I have lived by for several years. (Or at least believed was original until a conversation today with a coworker, Katie, who has a very similar theory. It goes like this: For every dollar spent on an item, you should wear it one time. So $50 jeans? better wear them 50 times to make it worth it. $20 shirt? get 20 wears out of it and you are golden.
Katie has been in the real world a few years longer than I have. She has the same theory but applies different numbers for different clothing types. For example, that formal dress? You probably wont wear it 100 times, so formal dresses should have a $50/time limit. Underwear? 50cent/time. The two of us sat there and named different types of clothing and put a "Dollar/time" limit on it. (Yes, we have the very exciting job of being accountants, so this is how we spiced up the afternoon). Everything for the most part had a $1-$5/wear limit.
The more practical way to organize your shopping? Have a budget. "I can spend 100 a month on shopping". This alone might keep you from blowing $60 on a jacket that you will only wear 4 times. For those of you who throw your budget out the window like last year's fashion? try to find a reasonable "Is it worth it" method. Maybe The Dollar Test will work for you?
Of Mice and Men
I'll let John Steinbeck tell the story Of Mice and Men. I'll tell the story of Mice and woMen.
I have a friend (Danielle) who lives downstairs in my apartment complex. We were going to get frozen yogurt (typical). I meet her downstairs and did my signature knock (typical). She answered the door (typical).
Danielle: Come inside, I have something I want to show you. (not typical.. and this is where the trouble begins)
Mallory: Do I want to see this?
D: Just come inside.
M: Is it a dead bug?
D: It's not a bug...
M: Is it dead?
D: Yes, well some of them, sorta. Just come look.
NO! Turns out Danielle has mice in her apartment. MICE meaning more than one (I am sure you already knew that, but I added it for emphasis) She had a dead one that she wanted me to see. I NEVER want to see a dead mouse, ESPECIALLY not in the same apartment complex that I live in. I told her that I will be the kind of friend who listens to her work woes or boy troubles, but never one that looks at dead mice.
That being said, what do you do when you have mice in your apartment?
1. Call the apartment complex. If you live in a house? set up your own sticky traps and snap traps.
2. Look for holes that lead outside (this is so obvious sounding... but they have to get in right?) Close your windows or put screens on them.
3. Make sure your garbage can has a tight lid. (this will also keep your apartment/house from smelling bad)
4. Don't leave dirty dishes in the dishwasher- this somehow attracts mice and rats. Don't ask me how they get into there, but I am not asking questions when it comes to rodents.
5. Let your cat/dog/pet snake attack the mice. (ew, but then you have a pet snake.. you might have bigger issues)
6. Try to keep food in the kitchen only. That way there is less of a chance of the mice going anywhere else. And on that note, I'm going to bed for the night. (I really hope I can sleep after this)
I honestly don't think I want to do any more thought or research on this subject. If you want more details? Look online. And if you find anything interesting? please be sure to tell my friend Danielle. I don't want any of her pets making a friendly visit upstairs.
Tax Tuesday: The art of procrastination
This topic is only fitting since I am writing Tax Tuesday on Wednesday. I am sure everyone was anxiously awaiting Tax Tuesday (since everyone loves reading about taxes) and were extremely disappointed when Tax Tuesday was not posted yesterday (that is, if anyone even noticed). The beautiful thing about having your own blog, and not getting paid for it, is that you can write Tax Tuesday any day of the week that you want.
However, doing your taxes is not QUITE the same. We have the wonderful deadline of "April 15th". Now, there is this thing you can file called an "automatic extension of time to file." If you are a huge procrastinator (such as one of those people who would write Tax Tuesday on Saturday), you can opt to file your taxes by October 15th. Honestly, I think this is just silly (for most people). You would have to fill out a form to file and extension so you can fill out a form later. PLUS it is only an extension to FILE, not to PAY your taxes. You still have to pay by April 15th. (For those ultimate procrastinators who thought you didn't have to pay until October 15th- you can send me half of the penalty fees I just saved you)
But why wait until April 14th to file? (for those people who would wait to write Tax Tuesday until 11:50pm on Tuesday) There are many benefits to filing your taxes early! Maybe even this weekend?
(1) Faster Returns- The IRS sends refunds back in the order that the returns are received. There are ALOT of procrastinators out there (guilty) and many of them will be waiting until the last second to file. That means you are waiting in a HUGE line to get your refund. This is like going shopping on Black Friday when there isn't even a financial reward. Why do it? Efile, Direct Deposit, and get your money back NOW! (then you can go shopping next weekend with your refund check!)
(2) Peace of Mind- Then when everyone else is freaking out last second about getting their return in, you will know that you already did it. You can treat yourself to a glass of wine and read all of the frantic facebook posts from your friends trying to do their taxes last second. Plus you have bragging rights in the office when people complain about still needing to file. (You can take yourself guilt free shopping with your refund check without "doing your taxes" hanging over your head!)
(3) Room for Error- Realize you forgot your W-2 from that random summer job you had for a month? Guess what, you still have time to get the form. Have a major tax issue? You still have time. Time is money.... possibly literally this time.
(4) Planning time- You get to the end of your taxes and you see that final number. Whether you owe $1500 or you will be refunded $1500, it helps to have planning time. If you owe the money, you can use your extra few weeks to save your money, beg your friends for money, or start selling boxes made out of Popsicle sticks door to door so you can pay up by the 15th. OR if you are one of the lucky ones, you can do some online shopping and plan how you want to spend your refund!
So what have we learned? Better late than never, Tax Tuesday should be done on Tuesday, and getting your taxes done early is definitely a good thing! Thus, ending your motivational speech of the week... go out there and do some taxes!
However, doing your taxes is not QUITE the same. We have the wonderful deadline of "April 15th". Now, there is this thing you can file called an "automatic extension of time to file." If you are a huge procrastinator (such as one of those people who would write Tax Tuesday on Saturday), you can opt to file your taxes by October 15th. Honestly, I think this is just silly (for most people). You would have to fill out a form to file and extension so you can fill out a form later. PLUS it is only an extension to FILE, not to PAY your taxes. You still have to pay by April 15th. (For those ultimate procrastinators who thought you didn't have to pay until October 15th- you can send me half of the penalty fees I just saved you)
But why wait until April 14th to file? (for those people who would wait to write Tax Tuesday until 11:50pm on Tuesday) There are many benefits to filing your taxes early! Maybe even this weekend?
(1) Faster Returns- The IRS sends refunds back in the order that the returns are received. There are ALOT of procrastinators out there (guilty) and many of them will be waiting until the last second to file. That means you are waiting in a HUGE line to get your refund. This is like going shopping on Black Friday when there isn't even a financial reward. Why do it? Efile, Direct Deposit, and get your money back NOW! (then you can go shopping next weekend with your refund check!)
(2) Peace of Mind- Then when everyone else is freaking out last second about getting their return in, you will know that you already did it. You can treat yourself to a glass of wine and read all of the frantic facebook posts from your friends trying to do their taxes last second. Plus you have bragging rights in the office when people complain about still needing to file. (You can take yourself guilt free shopping with your refund check without "doing your taxes" hanging over your head!)
(3) Room for Error- Realize you forgot your W-2 from that random summer job you had for a month? Guess what, you still have time to get the form. Have a major tax issue? You still have time. Time is money.... possibly literally this time.
(4) Planning time- You get to the end of your taxes and you see that final number. Whether you owe $1500 or you will be refunded $1500, it helps to have planning time. If you owe the money, you can use your extra few weeks to save your money, beg your friends for money, or start selling boxes made out of Popsicle sticks door to door so you can pay up by the 15th. OR if you are one of the lucky ones, you can do some online shopping and plan how you want to spend your refund!
So what have we learned? Better late than never, Tax Tuesday should be done on Tuesday, and getting your taxes done early is definitely a good thing! Thus, ending your motivational speech of the week... go out there and do some taxes!
Silence is Golden
For the first time in my life I am finally able to relate to that grumpy old cat lady. (except I don't have any cats and I am really not that old) Maybe it is part of growing up and having a job?
My neighbor likes to play loud angry music (if you can call it music). It has more base than I thought possible since it literally shakes my walls. She plays it ALL. THE. TIME. I am guessing that the reason she plays it so loud is probably because she lost more of her hearing last Tuesday when she also choose to play it at 11:30pm. Being the adult that I am, I used to bang against the wall to let her know that I can hear her music. There have even been two times when I called the apartment complex to have them send up the apartment's "cop" to tell her to quiet down. A few weeks ago I decided to woman up and go over there to talk to her. The second I banged on the wall the music instantly went off. Mission completed. Having solved the problem, I went back to my room. Since then I have knocked on her door twice to get the music to shut off.
Yesterday was one of those days. I was in my PJs and glasses and so had no intention of talking to her. I banged on the door and retreated back to my room. She comes out into the hall and screams "WHO THE F BANGED ON MY DOOR!? WHAT THE F! DONT F*ING BANG ON MY DOOR!" (of course she did not just say "f") I did NOT confront her. She seemed very mad, dangerous, and she listens to angry music, so who knows what she is capable of! (I instead tippytoed to my door and double-locked it. coward, I know)
Actual thoughts that crossed my mind on how to solve the problem:
1. Talk to my apartment complex and make sure shes not living next to me before I resign.
2. Hang a printed sign on her door that says "Silence is Golden"
3. Find a police outfit and just go over there myself and talk to her everytime the music comes on (yes, this would be hard to pull off- what kind of black clunky shoes do they even wear?)
4. Vaseline her door knob- maybe she will be so annoyed she will move (I wont actually do this one either, but it sounds so good in theory)
5. A coworker suggested writing a fake letter from the apartment complex that asks her to keep the noise down. I think there is probably a law against that, but he seemed to think that it might actually shut her up.
Any ideas? Surely she must not have a job? Is there something else I can do that is alittle more practical than options 2-5? Someone must have dealt with this before... I am looking for creative ideas!
My neighbor likes to play loud angry music (if you can call it music). It has more base than I thought possible since it literally shakes my walls. She plays it ALL. THE. TIME. I am guessing that the reason she plays it so loud is probably because she lost more of her hearing last Tuesday when she also choose to play it at 11:30pm. Being the adult that I am, I used to bang against the wall to let her know that I can hear her music. There have even been two times when I called the apartment complex to have them send up the apartment's "cop" to tell her to quiet down. A few weeks ago I decided to woman up and go over there to talk to her. The second I banged on the wall the music instantly went off. Mission completed. Having solved the problem, I went back to my room. Since then I have knocked on her door twice to get the music to shut off.
Yesterday was one of those days. I was in my PJs and glasses and so had no intention of talking to her. I banged on the door and retreated back to my room. She comes out into the hall and screams "WHO THE F BANGED ON MY DOOR!? WHAT THE F! DONT F*ING BANG ON MY DOOR!" (of course she did not just say "f") I did NOT confront her. She seemed very mad, dangerous, and she listens to angry music, so who knows what she is capable of! (I instead tippytoed to my door and double-locked it. coward, I know)
Actual thoughts that crossed my mind on how to solve the problem:
1. Talk to my apartment complex and make sure shes not living next to me before I resign.
2. Hang a printed sign on her door that says "Silence is Golden"
3. Find a police outfit and just go over there myself and talk to her everytime the music comes on (yes, this would be hard to pull off- what kind of black clunky shoes do they even wear?)
4. Vaseline her door knob- maybe she will be so annoyed she will move (I wont actually do this one either, but it sounds so good in theory)
5. A coworker suggested writing a fake letter from the apartment complex that asks her to keep the noise down. I think there is probably a law against that, but he seemed to think that it might actually shut her up.
Any ideas? Surely she must not have a job? Is there something else I can do that is alittle more practical than options 2-5? Someone must have dealt with this before... I am looking for creative ideas!
I have a drug addiction- So what?
Hi, my name is Mallory and I am addicted to Caffeine. (Hi Mallory) I have been clean for 4 hours now (applause) but I have no intention of quitting in the near future (sigh).
I was not always this way. It starts slowly. At first it is just in the mornings. Set up your computer, check your emails, go to the break room for some coffee (200mg/8oz). Then you find yourself adding a diet coke (47mg/12oz) at lunch. Suddenly the 3 o'clock slump gets replaced with a redbull (85mg/8oz), tea becomes a staple choice of beverage (70mg/8oz), and if you have to stay at work past 8? there is just no helping you. I am not just a social drinker. Caffeine gives me that little bits of energy that I need to keep me awake throughout a boring day of accounting. The energy helps me stay focused and makes me nicer to be around. In busy season? energy is a must and sleep just don't cut it alone anymore. Thank you little drug for making me a better employee and happier person.
But there is a catch. I have not been sleeping soundly. I can't help but think that this may be linked to the Caffeine. But I can't quit. Not now, not during busy season. According to WebMD, the symptoms of withdrawl include headache, tiredness/fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness/attentiveness, drowsiness/sleepiness, decreased contentedness/well-being, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and felling muzzy/foggy/not clearheaded. There just is never a good time for these.
Are we really "addicted"? or do we just throw that term around loosely? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association, you only need THREE (3) of the following to be addicted:
(1) tolerance- I am not upset when my coworkers have their morning starbucks
(2) substance-specific withdrawal syndrome- I had my first caffeine headache one sunday at the movies with my friend lauren (who ironically writes a health blog and demonstrates GREAT selfcontrol)
(3) substance often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than expected- sometimes I work later than others, okay?
(4) persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control use- I ALWAYS want to quit. I wouldn't write this post if I wasn't slightly guilty...
(5) a great deal of time spent in activities necessary to obtain, use, or recover from the effects of the substance- Obtain? not so much, there is a starbucks on every corner. Use? it only takes about 3 minutes to down a diet dr. pepper. Recover? does not sleeping count?
(6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of the substance- Yes, we have DMD (Diet Mountain Dew) time at the client's site. I try not to participate. Peer pressure SOMETIMES wins though.
(7) use continued despite knowledge of a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.
I am addicted. But probably so are you. (over 90% of adults in America are). Sure, we care about things like gas, natural resources, the national debt.. blah blah blah... But could you imagine if they suddenly wiped the country clean of Caffeine? Oh, the outbreak!
So here is my question. Caffeine, Friend or Foe? Or simply that Frenemy that I love to hate? Are you addicted? Do you try to stop? (Is the new "Jolt Gum" for addicts who just cant cut it completely?)
I was not always this way. It starts slowly. At first it is just in the mornings. Set up your computer, check your emails, go to the break room for some coffee (200mg/8oz). Then you find yourself adding a diet coke (47mg/12oz) at lunch. Suddenly the 3 o'clock slump gets replaced with a redbull (85mg/8oz), tea becomes a staple choice of beverage (70mg/8oz), and if you have to stay at work past 8? there is just no helping you. I am not just a social drinker. Caffeine gives me that little bits of energy that I need to keep me awake throughout a boring day of accounting. The energy helps me stay focused and makes me nicer to be around. In busy season? energy is a must and sleep just don't cut it alone anymore. Thank you little drug for making me a better employee and happier person.
But there is a catch. I have not been sleeping soundly. I can't help but think that this may be linked to the Caffeine. But I can't quit. Not now, not during busy season. According to WebMD, the symptoms of withdrawl include headache, tiredness/fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness/attentiveness, drowsiness/sleepiness, decreased contentedness/well-being, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and felling muzzy/foggy/not clearheaded. There just is never a good time for these.
Are we really "addicted"? or do we just throw that term around loosely? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association, you only need THREE (3) of the following to be addicted:
(1) tolerance- I am not upset when my coworkers have their morning starbucks
(2) substance-specific withdrawal syndrome- I had my first caffeine headache one sunday at the movies with my friend lauren (who ironically writes a health blog and demonstrates GREAT selfcontrol)
(3) substance often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than expected- sometimes I work later than others, okay?
(4) persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control use- I ALWAYS want to quit. I wouldn't write this post if I wasn't slightly guilty...
(5) a great deal of time spent in activities necessary to obtain, use, or recover from the effects of the substance- Obtain? not so much, there is a starbucks on every corner. Use? it only takes about 3 minutes to down a diet dr. pepper. Recover? does not sleeping count?
(6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of the substance- Yes, we have DMD (Diet Mountain Dew) time at the client's site. I try not to participate. Peer pressure SOMETIMES wins though.
(7) use continued despite knowledge of a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.
I am addicted. But probably so are you. (over 90% of adults in America are). Sure, we care about things like gas, natural resources, the national debt.. blah blah blah... But could you imagine if they suddenly wiped the country clean of Caffeine? Oh, the outbreak!
So here is my question. Caffeine, Friend or Foe? Or simply that Frenemy that I love to hate? Are you addicted? Do you try to stop? (Is the new "Jolt Gum" for addicts who just cant cut it completely?)
Tax Tuesday: Big things come in standard packages
In the real world one size does not fit all. No, I do not care what the label says. That sweater can not possibly fit every girl in this room. Or that scarf? some people want a long one, others want it short. We don't all have the same shoe size. Infact, I don't even have the same shoe size in different brands. But in taxes? see that's a different story. Uncle Sam gave us a standard deduction that is a one-size-fits-all kinda deal.
Think of it like a spending allowance. In highschool my parents decided that my brother and me could spend $10 a week. It doesn't matter if he spent all $10 on breakfast tacos and I bought a new shirt. My parents could figure "eh, the roughly spent $10 each". Uncle Sam figures that we roughly spend $5,700 a year on deductible expenses. (No, he doesn't actually GIVE us the money the way my parents did)
Cool. So we can take the standard deduction of $5,700? Sure! or you can itemize and take the "itemized deduction" instead. I can't actually give you tax advice, but I can give you some facts from the IRS and food for thought from Forbes.
1. The Standard Deduction is not too shabby. Save all your receipts? break a few limbs to increase your medical expense? donate to charities youve never heard of? turns out, you might STILL save more by the standard deduction.
2. You probably can't deduct your medical expenses anyways. You can only deduct the amount of out of pocket medical expenses OVER 7/5% of your income. So that $80 I spent for my eye exam? not 7.5% of my income. Unless you have a serious illness, you probably wont come close. (don't you dare think "that sucks"- YOU ARE HEALTHY! go skiing or something)
3. How much is your mortgage interest anyways? None if you are like me and live in an apartment. But if you DO own your house? you need to do the math to make sure that you are going to received a bigger deduction than your standard deduction.
4. Charitable Deduction- you might give away your clothes, but I hope you kept the receipt! If you get selected for an IRS audit, you need proof of your charitable deductions. Oh yea, and giving a dollar to the guy on the street corner doesn't count.
5. Miscellaneous Deductions are limited too. (2% of your income) For things like: Tax preparation fees (you should have none if you do them yourself), Safe deposit box fees (count me out), Unreimbursed job related expenses (do my shoes count?... sadly no)
Do I really need to do TWO tax returns and then just take the standard deduction anyways? probably not if you are just out of college, rent, perfectly healthy, and don't even know what a safe deposit box is. BUT I would recommend looking into it (mostly to CMA) and here is a cute little calculator to do it for you.
Help! I can't afford a work wardrobe
Work clothes. Those perfectly pressed pants, pencil skirts, and sharp button down that just screams "Screw Kelly Clarkson, I am the new Miss Independent". Sigh.
When I think "work clothes", my mind instantly goes to Banana Republic (my personal love), Ann Taylor Loft, Saks off Fifth, Nordstrom Rack, and JCrew. These are the ideal work clothes that makes every working girl feel like shes "made it". They are also the safe outfits of choice that you KNOW will fit in with your new job in the office. Heres the problem: ONE pair of trousers will set you back $85 at Banana, and $250 at JCrew. ONE blouse? $70 and $100 respectively. And that just gets you through Monday!
Secrets to Success?
1. Don't think of it as a "Wardrobe". If you are starting a new job, you don't need a whole month's worth of outfits, just enough to make it through the first few days so you can see what the other girls are wearing. Sure would stink to buy tons of jackets and find out that everyone in the office emphasizes the CASUAL of dressy casual.
2. Target and Old Navy? you are looking at your new best friends! Who says you need to buy a cardigan from Loft when you can get the same one from Old Navy for cheaper? Best part is.. no one knows but you.
3. That doesn't mean you can't steal inspiration. Check out JCrew's website. See what is "instyle" for work, and let that help you wade through the "is this okay for work?" questions you are bound to have.
4. Sale shop. You are going to work for years, you can wait until the blouse goes on sale before you buy it.
5. Beware of the Dry Clean Only. This saves you $40 a week! Too late? well try not to make too much of a mess and you can wear your pants more than once.
6. Ask around. Every job is different, every office. Ask what is the normal work attire for the office from a friend who works their. Or read the manual- most companies seem to have the dress code rules laid out. When in doubt? go conservative.
Stretch your money. In the long run, it is better to have a week's worth of clothes instead of just clothes for Monday. (And good luck to Kelly O on her new job- the inspiration for this post!)
When I think "work clothes", my mind instantly goes to Banana Republic (my personal love), Ann Taylor Loft, Saks off Fifth, Nordstrom Rack, and JCrew. These are the ideal work clothes that makes every working girl feel like shes "made it". They are also the safe outfits of choice that you KNOW will fit in with your new job in the office. Heres the problem: ONE pair of trousers will set you back $85 at Banana, and $250 at JCrew. ONE blouse? $70 and $100 respectively. And that just gets you through Monday!
Secrets to Success?
1. Don't think of it as a "Wardrobe". If you are starting a new job, you don't need a whole month's worth of outfits, just enough to make it through the first few days so you can see what the other girls are wearing. Sure would stink to buy tons of jackets and find out that everyone in the office emphasizes the CASUAL of dressy casual.
2. Target and Old Navy? you are looking at your new best friends! Who says you need to buy a cardigan from Loft when you can get the same one from Old Navy for cheaper? Best part is.. no one knows but you.
3. That doesn't mean you can't steal inspiration. Check out JCrew's website. See what is "instyle" for work, and let that help you wade through the "is this okay for work?" questions you are bound to have.
4. Sale shop. You are going to work for years, you can wait until the blouse goes on sale before you buy it.
5. Beware of the Dry Clean Only. This saves you $40 a week! Too late? well try not to make too much of a mess and you can wear your pants more than once.
6. Ask around. Every job is different, every office. Ask what is the normal work attire for the office from a friend who works their. Or read the manual- most companies seem to have the dress code rules laid out. When in doubt? go conservative.
Stretch your money. In the long run, it is better to have a week's worth of clothes instead of just clothes for Monday. (And good luck to Kelly O on her new job- the inspiration for this post!)
What do you think? Ideas? Other tips? Where do you get your work clothes?
Tax Tuesday: Just another shopping trip
Shopping for tax software.. well, the first word sounds fun. But, thats about it.
So now (if you followed your homework from last week), you have gathered your tax items that you need. It is time figure out HOW you are going to do your taxes. Yuck.
It is sort of like a good valentines day date. You know you want to wear heels (or do your taxes in this case), but you just cant decide which one (HR Block, Turbo Tax, Efile..) If you were trying to figure out which shoes to wear, you would try them all on. Well you can't do that with filing taxes unless you want to spend all Saturday "shopping" for tax programs. (And who wants to be shopping for tax programs when you can be shopping for that next perfect heels). Think of reading this blog as saving yourself time on Saturday to do things you really want to do. (like shopping).
The down-and-dirty, save-time-for-shopping options:
1. Hire an accountant (aka the "expensive Louis Vuitton shoes"). Odds are, if you are in your 20s you probably don't need this option. Who wants to spend that much money just to pay more money to the government (or dip into your refund money). Do you NEED to go to HR Block? probably not, unless you have complications with your return (a major life event, tuns of interests, trusts, inheritance, small business, etc.) Of course, if you DO have a trust fund and tons of interest, I am ALWAYS taking personal donations (between us, we can call it a charitable contribution)
2. Free-File on the IRS website (aka the "$3 Old Navy flip flips"). If you make $58,000 or less, you have the option to free file on the IRS Website. AWESOME option if your return isn't too complicated and you aren't making over the limit. Make sure you go through the IRS website so you can avoid filing fees. (I also think doing your own taxes is good because you really get to see where your money comes from and what exactly goes into the dreaded term "taxes")
3. Turbo-tax or an at home solution. Questions to ask yourself when picking a software: Do I really need it? Will my company pay for it? Does it work with my computer software? Does it come with a guarantee? Oh, and this might be obvious, but beware of buying tax software on ebay. The 2005 edition just wont cut it with this year's tax laws!
And thus concludes your tax season lecture of the day. Happy Tuesday. Do your taxes, then buy some shoes.
So now (if you followed your homework from last week), you have gathered your tax items that you need. It is time figure out HOW you are going to do your taxes. Yuck.
It is sort of like a good valentines day date. You know you want to wear heels (or do your taxes in this case), but you just cant decide which one (HR Block, Turbo Tax, Efile..) If you were trying to figure out which shoes to wear, you would try them all on. Well you can't do that with filing taxes unless you want to spend all Saturday "shopping" for tax programs. (And who wants to be shopping for tax programs when you can be shopping for that next perfect heels). Think of reading this blog as saving yourself time on Saturday to do things you really want to do. (like shopping).
The down-and-dirty, save-time-for-shopping options:
1. Hire an accountant (aka the "expensive Louis Vuitton shoes"). Odds are, if you are in your 20s you probably don't need this option. Who wants to spend that much money just to pay more money to the government (or dip into your refund money). Do you NEED to go to HR Block? probably not, unless you have complications with your return (a major life event, tuns of interests, trusts, inheritance, small business, etc.) Of course, if you DO have a trust fund and tons of interest, I am ALWAYS taking personal donations (between us, we can call it a charitable contribution)
2. Free-File on the IRS website (aka the "$3 Old Navy flip flips"). If you make $58,000 or less, you have the option to free file on the IRS Website. AWESOME option if your return isn't too complicated and you aren't making over the limit. Make sure you go through the IRS website so you can avoid filing fees. (I also think doing your own taxes is good because you really get to see where your money comes from and what exactly goes into the dreaded term "taxes")
3. Turbo-tax or an at home solution. Questions to ask yourself when picking a software: Do I really need it? Will my company pay for it? Does it work with my computer software? Does it come with a guarantee? Oh, and this might be obvious, but beware of buying tax software on ebay. The 2005 edition just wont cut it with this year's tax laws!
And thus concludes your tax season lecture of the day. Happy Tuesday. Do your taxes, then buy some shoes.
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