I must have the most stressful job in the world (Or so I thought). I am an accountant. We are about to start "busy season" (we have a NAME for it?) where we will be working late hours (so what do you call the last 6 months?). Don't worry, we are ramping up into busy season (and ramping down my social life...).
Then I took a look at my closest girlfriends. The marketing major who has late nights preparing for a huge presentation for to a CEO. The first year teacher who stays up late with lesson plans and deals with disciplining highschoolers all day. The fitness instructor who is thrown into coordinating 6am bootcamps and has to cover weekend shifts. Welcome to the real world- where stress is the only common denominator.
We are going to have stress. The goal should be managing how we deal with it.
Unhealthy ways to deal with stress? smoking, drinking, overeating, undereating, making voodoo dolls of our bosses, taking it out on friends (who wont be friends much longer), turning to retail therapy (that diminishing bank account will just cause more stress).
Healthy ways to deal with stress?
1. Say No- Find your limit and don't take on more than you can handle.
2. When number 1 doesn't work? Make a to-do list. prioritize. and then tackle just one task at a time.
3. Exercise- They say it releases that endorphin that makes you happy. I say it keeps you for getting fat, which just adds another thing to stress you out. Besides, a good kickboxing class while envisioning your boss just might be the trick.
4. Eat well- "Feed the brain so it can work" & "Start the day with a good breakfast". Why is it that suddenly you get into the real world and you realize the lessons your mom taught you growing up were right all along?
5. Get some sleep- These ideas sound so obvious, but they are easier said than done. The days that I get more sleep? I tend to handle situations better.
And when all else fails? Take a personal day.
What do you do when you are stressed at work? Trust me... I'm open for suggestions!