
Gas Stinks

One of the most painful money experiences is filling up a gas tank. You stand there and just watch your money disappear on the screen with every tick. Gas prices yesterday were $2.99 a gallon. My bill? I total of $40.32. (The meter reaches $4... thats a new nail polish, $6 a new eyeshadow, $10 a bottle of wine, $20 a new shirt, $30 a new pair of jeans, $40 those really cute new heels that I've been eying for weeks)  I am not sure why I find the need to stand outside in the cold winter and watch the numbers increase. I am aware that the quick fix to this problem would be to wait in the car, but the concept is still the same. Impractically, I could quit driving all together, but since that is not an option there are tips that we can all use to help us save money on gas.

1. Before getting into the car think: Do I really need to go there? Is there another 3 errands that you can run while you are out? Saturdays are notorious for running to grocery store, coming home, going to the mall, coming home, meeting friends for dinner, coming home.

2. Can I walk, bike, or roller blade there? (Yes, I have blades- they are a great workout, but I do not take them to the mall. No worries.) It is nice to get fresh air and alittle exercise, and I don't really NEED to drive two blocks to a friend's house.

3. Car-pool. Make friends AND you get to ride in the HOV lane. (sweet deal huh?)

4. Avoid rush hour and traffic. This eats away at your gas! I know it is not completely possible to avoid traffic, but make a friend drive to the next sporting event. I am going to attempt to tell the people at work that I need to leave at 4pm to avoid traffic. (Yeah right) But it is worth a shot!

5. Does that Chinese food place deliver for free? Let them pay for gas!

6. Don't speed. The faster you go, the more gas you waste per mile. (google that, I promise). Yes, this means that you have to actually leave your house on time. Maybe the goal to lower the amount spent on gas could actually benefit your life in all aspects!?

7. Keep your car in good shape. Make sure the gas cap fits (seriously? Take it to someone else to make sure the gas cap fits), get an oil change, don't slam on the breaks, or rev your engine, or street race of any kind for that matter. If you feel the need to race -  find a place with gokarts.

8. Call first. Macy's has a sale? Call and see if that cute cocktail dress is even in stock first.

1 comment:

  1. Rollerblading is the #1 way to burn fat - even better than running! Why didn't we go blading in SA-town?! :)
