This is the best work-life balance tip I have so far.
You might be like me. Sitting at your desk at work at 10am on a tuesday and thinking of everything you need to do when you get home. Pick up some hand lotion, order that cute sweater that went on sale, drop off the RedBox video from yesterday (AH! They charge a dollar a day), call your mom, pay the electric bill, do a load of laundry, etc. Why is there always so much to do? I find myself wasting 30 minutes (easily) thinking about what I need to be doing at work. Guess what? That gets me absolutely nowhere. The funny thing is, come 6pm I don't even remember everything anyways. Which is perfect because then I can try to remember the same list at work at 10am on wednesday. What a waste of time.
The solution? the Oh-So-Underrated Sticky-Note. This little invention gives me the option to write down the list of things I need to do later that night when I get home. It then gives me the freedom to put my "to-do list" out of my mind, think about work, and actually focus on my job without a continuous list running through my head... and stressing me out. Who needs to add stress to an already stressful job? Somehow I am actually able to get more work done- allowing for more evening time to get the "sticky-note to-do-list" done. Win Win situation? Absolutely. Best thing is, most offices have sticky notes in the supply room!
Totally agree. I'm the queen of making lists. I even write stuff on my list after I've done them just so I can cross it off! :)