
Love Your "Now"

Okay, I'll admit it. I have had a self-diagnosed bad case of the post-vacay-blues this entire week. If you don't know what I am talking about, then you haven't been on a really good vacation (and by all means, stop reading this post and go book yourself an incredible trip). You know, that sitting at the desk at work dreaming of laying on that St. Croix beach.... bragging about your scuba diving abilities..... purposely picking outfits that will highlight that newly found tan (the one your coworkers have probably never seen, because, well.. you have a desk job) feeling. That was me this week. (if you add in "talking at nausea about the gorgeous island and the flavored rum to anyone who will listen")

I find myself at frozen yogurt (anyone who knows me is probably not surprised at this typical statement) with Ashlyn talking, once again, about our desire to do something adventurously fabulous. We want to be "those people" who pick up and follow our hearts. This isn't our first time to talk about it... seeing as we are both accountants.

And then it hits me.

I am not that person NOW. Sure, I always have the option to become a FatTireBike Tour Guide in Italy at any moment (not-so-secret dream), but that is not my life Now. And if I spend my days/nights thinking about what I might do in the future, I am going to wake up one day and  have completely missed the Now.

Let me elaborate. If I woke up tomorrow and went to Italy, I would miss out on those weekly girl dates with Ashlyn. (I would also blow my budget on a flight to Italy the day of, but lets not even go there). I would miss not going to my brother's graduation in a few weeks. I would miss the beautiful weddings that I am attending/participating in this fall for my closest friends. I wouldn't get to fly to Houston next weekend to have a girls weekend. If you spend all your time with your head somewhere else you will miss out on the great things in your life today.

One step farther? I think somewhere, deep, deep down I am glad I have a sell-out-to-the-man job (for 3-5 years max) so that I can prove to myself that I can do it. I'm not ready to win the lotto or take off to Italy tomorrow.... I want to live in my Now and know I can make it on my own. (However, if any of you just won the lotto and want to send me a couple million, then disregard the above post). A savvy twenty-something knows that great feeling of putting on her favorite stilettos and sassy work skirt and knowing that today you can tackle that corporate ladder (with the upmost style of course).

In Conclusion: If you aren't going to go to Italy tomorrow? Enjoy your Today. Because someday you might just end up in Italy missing what you have Now.