
I have a drug addiction- So what?

Hi, my name is Mallory and I am addicted to Caffeine. (Hi Mallory) I have been clean for 4 hours now (applause) but I have no intention of quitting in the near future (sigh).

I was not always this way. It starts slowly. At first it is just in the mornings. Set up your computer, check your emails, go to the break room for some coffee (200mg/8oz). Then you find yourself adding a diet coke (47mg/12oz) at lunch. Suddenly the 3 o'clock slump gets replaced with a redbull (85mg/8oz), tea becomes a staple choice of beverage (70mg/8oz), and if you have to stay at work past 8? there is just no helping you.  I am not just a social drinker. Caffeine gives me that little bits of energy that I need to keep me awake throughout a boring day of accounting. The energy helps me stay focused and makes me nicer to be around. In busy season? energy is a must and sleep just don't cut it alone anymore. Thank you little drug for making me a better employee and happier person.

But there is a catch. I have not been sleeping soundly. I can't help but think that this may be linked to the Caffeine. But I can't quit. Not now, not during busy season. According to WebMD, the symptoms of withdrawl include headache, tiredness/fatigue, decreased energy/activeness, decreased alertness/attentiveness, drowsiness/sleepiness, decreased contentedness/well-being, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating,  irritability, and felling muzzy/foggy/not clearheaded. There just is never a good time for these.

Are we really "addicted"? or do we just throw that term around loosely? According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the American Psychiatric Association, you only need THREE (3) of the following to be addicted:
(1) tolerance- I am not upset when my coworkers have their morning starbucks
(2) substance-specific withdrawal syndrome- I had my first caffeine headache one sunday at the movies with my friend lauren (who ironically writes a health blog and demonstrates GREAT selfcontrol)
(3) substance often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than expected- sometimes I work later than others, okay?
(4) persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control use- I ALWAYS want to quit. I wouldn't write this post if I wasn't slightly guilty...
(5) a great deal of time spent in activities necessary to obtain, use, or recover from the effects of the substance- Obtain? not so much, there is a starbucks on every corner. Use? it only takes about 3 minutes to down a diet dr. pepper. Recover? does not sleeping count?
(6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of the substance- Yes, we have DMD (Diet Mountain Dew) time at the client's site. I try not to participate. Peer pressure SOMETIMES wins though.
(7) use continued despite knowledge of a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.

I am addicted. But probably so are you. (over 90% of adults in America are). Sure, we care about things like gas, natural resources, the national debt.. blah blah blah... But could you imagine if they suddenly wiped the country clean of Caffeine? Oh, the outbreak!

So here is my question. Caffeine, Friend or Foe? Or simply that Frenemy that I love to hate? Are you addicted? Do you try to stop? (Is the new "Jolt Gum" for addicts who just cant cut it completely?)


  1. Okay, as one of your pharmacists, I can definitely tell you that it's okay to have a controlled caffeine addiction. I have one, and I'm proud of it. One of my mantras is -better living through chemistry-. I keep my addiction in check by having a cup or two (8 + 12) in the morning. Usually, I don't finish the second cup. That's all I need, and as long as I get the coffee first thing in the morning, I'm good to go.

    This is most definitely the reason that you are not sleeping well. Try to cut out the late afternoon Red Bull (not good for your body anyway)and no caffeine after 5pm (except for the occasional social excursion). Also, a cup of chammomille tea at bedtime can promote relaxation and better sleep quality. You might want to google sleep hygeine, which would include taking the computer and television out of the bedroom, and winding down with a good, relaxing read.

    I'm so sorry to offer advice...I'm a mom, that's what we do. <3

  2. I love it Mrs. Reibach! Thank you for the advice! To be honest, I really do feel better knowing that you are addicted too. not just because misery loves company, but also because I know you actually understand the implications of drug usage!

  3. I'm also addicted to caffeine but thankfully I don't have headaches or anything if I go without it. I just like my diet cherry coke.

    Since I work a crazy shift, my caffeine intake has increased a lot in the last five years, and my mom is always on my case about drinking less of it.

    She just doesn't understand me. ;-)

  4. I think it's fine as long as you stop drinking it by 4:00. Otherwise you won't be able to sleep (which seems to be the case).

  5. I actually just looked this up on Mayo Clinic's website. Consuming less than 600 mg of caffeine a day is generally considered safe - that's about 2 cups of coffee. :)

  6. I agree. I drink coffee everyday in moderate amount, around 2 cups. I know that coffee has antioxidant properties but can also be detrimental if taken more that what is recommended.

  7. We all have different levels of tolerance towards a substance. It depends on how you adapt.
