About Me

My name is Mallory and I am a tax accountant. (that basically sounds like the introduction to a support group session- which I might just need to make it through busy season) I am a twenty-something who recently finished grad-school and moved to the big city with a big girl job. I love my little uptown apartment, my big city, and being financially independent. 

I was quick to learn that life in the real world is more than just a walk in the park (in some comfy sneakers)... Think more of a sprint on the beach in heels. There are things that they just didn't teach us in college. Like what to do when your car breaks down on the side of the road. How to save... wait, do I HAVE to save? Or the fact that medical insurance is written practically in a foreign language.

How do you stay a trend setter, party hopper, wine connoisseur, socialite, and sassy working girl while still staying under budget? You probably can't. But this is my best attempt. There is a fine line between being financially savvy and fashion trendy and I struggle with the happy medium everyday. To me- there is nothing wrong with eating leftovers to save for those new Steve Madden's that make your heart thump.

Welcome to the real world.