
Appearance is Everything

Dress for the part you want. Yes, we have heard that saying over, and over. Many good sayings come from truth.

I am about to buy a new suitcase (I know, its a weekday.. but I took the day off and I desperately need a new suitcase. Cool way to spend vacation huh?) I really need a midsized suitcase and a smaller "carryon". Seeing as I didn't budget for both this month, I can only buy one. Although midsized suitcase is probably more practical for my family wedding in Detriot this weekend, I know my job will potentially have me travelling quite a bit in the future. Lets be honest, no self-respecting business person is allowed to travel for a week a check their bags (trust me, I've been though the teasing). Instead of purchasing the suitcase better suited for a family trip, I intend to buy the carry-on. Gotta practice sometime right? Even if my colleagues weren't to tease me, if you act the part of a good traveler (or whatever part you are looking for) you soon assume the role.

Same applies at everyone's job. If you want more responsibility, volunteer for it once and you will soon be the go-to-gal for the job in the future. (On the flip side, if you DON'T want a responsibility, be careful not to volunteer too quickly... or you might be ordering dinner for the team EVERY night)

I think this saying applies beyond the work place and into your personal life. A good friend of mine (who will remain nameless at this point) was told "If you act immature, you can't be surprised by the type of girls you attract". Not that you should change for a person that you haven't even met yet- but if you want a certain role in the future, you better play the part now.

And with that I'll close with another cliche. "Fake it til you make it". Happy Dressing.

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  1. Noooo, don't let those haters tell you that you can't check a bag for a week. You're allowed to bring as many pairs of shoes as you want. I've been overweight for a week before. No shame in it.

  2. So true. I was once told that the best way to get promoted is to take on the responsibilities of the position you want... and sure enough it worked for me.
