
The day before you lose your purse

How many times have you been to a restaurant and left your purse on the booth and had to run back to get it? Or been to the movies and was so busy talking about the movie that you left your purse under the chair? Or put your purse down at a party (SHAME ON YOU)? Or walked out of a cab with your purse on the seat?

There are certain things you should do before you lose your purse. I like to think I am responsible (everyone feels this way about themselves), but give me a great conversation or a glass of wine and I can easily misplace the most important accessory I own. I never know the day that I will lose my purse. Which means I need to prepare TODAY for the case that I might lose my purse tomorrow. Or tonight.

1. Clean out your purse. (This is beneficial in SO many ways.) Do you really need to give the person who finds your purse your social security card? And how often do you really use all 7 credit cards in your wallet? The less in there- the less to lose.

2. Make sure you have your credit card numbers accounted for. This means that you need to have (in a locked and safe place) all of your credit card numbers written down, and a list of the bank phone numbers associated with each one. This will make it easy to call and cancel immediately.

3. Write down your driver's license number. No one like the DMV and the long lines of really angry people. If you have your license number written down (or memorized) you can renew your license online. Sweet!

4. Give a friend a spare key. You lost your purse at a bar. It is 2am. You at least deserve to sleep in your own bed. Make sure someone has a key as a backup.

5. Stash some cash under your mattress. Or well, in your desk. (the mattress just sounded more dramatic) If you are stranded without a credit card for a few days, you are going to want to have some backup cash so that you can at least survive on some ramen noodles.

Don't be lazy today. It will just cause more work for tomorrow..


  1. That is such great advice, especially the license part! I didn't know you could renew it online if you knew your number! Writing those things down and putting them in the safe now!

  2. I have all my online credit card log-in info saved in a safe place so if that ever happened I could easily log-on and fix things. I know my license # but need to take my SS card out of my purse! I have checks as back-up "cash" and my mom has a spare key. Phew! I think I'm mostly covered! Thanks for the tips Mal :)
