
Fresh Impressions

First impressions are everything. (I am clearly not the person who came up with that concept or the science to back it up - I wish I was, because then? I would be so rich and famous that I wouldn't have to keep my day job)  But first impressions are not always easy.

Welcome to training at a big four accounting firm. (It is not just public accounting, let's face it, there is probably plenty of this in your training rooms too. And if there isn't? well, are they hiring?) Here is a room with 30 people who are all at the same level and competing for jobs, raises, and titles. (vicious sounding, I know) The new girl walks in. She just transferred, never worked on a job with anyone from the rest of the group, and no one knows her. She is like the new kid in school (that no one really likes). When she has to give her introduction everyone watches her and sizes up the competition. (Okay, this may be a little dramatic, but the point is there). She sits down at the table, reaches into her purse, and pulls out a little tin of mints. She takes one for herself and then asks "does anyone else want one?". In 5 seconds she turns from "potential threat" to best friend of everyone at the table.

Okay, alittle dramatic. But the point is there. Everyone loves gifts. Something free. The offering of the mint makes her instantly a "friend" and there is a small tiny bond and a smile exchanged. If you enter a room of people find a gesture, whether it is a mint or simply plugging in the team's laptops. It's the little things that count.

Just remember, for  $1.50 at your local drug store you can buy your way into making a great first impression.

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